Today, I wanted to try something a little different, something that’s been on my mind for a while. I’ve always admired Conor McGregor’s style, especially that infamous “FUCK YOU” pinstripe suit. I mean, the guy’s got balls, right? So, I decided, why not try to make one myself? It’s not like I’m going to wear it to a board meeting, but it would be a cool project.

First, I needed to find a decent pinstripe suit. It didn’t have to be anything fancy, just something I could mess around with. I looked online. Found a cheap one. Ordered it, and it arrived a few days later. Looked normal, like any other pinstripe suit, which was perfect.
Now comes the fun part. I’m no tailor, but I figured I could at least try to stitch the words onto the suit. I grabbed some white thread and a needle. I practiced writing “FUCK YOU” on a piece of scrap fabric to get a feel for it. It looked terrible at first, all wobbly and uneven. But, after a few tries, it started to look a little better.
Then, I got to work on the actual suit. I started with the jacket, carefully stitching the letters onto the pinstripes. It was a slow process, and my fingers got pretty sore. I had to take breaks every now and then. I didn’t want to make any mistakes, you know? It was kind of relaxing, in a weird way. The sound of the needle going through the fabric, the feeling of the thread in my fingers. But it’s not easy. I kept messing up, and then I’d have to carefully unpick the stitches and start again. It took me a whole afternoon, but I finally finished the jacket.
- Find a pinstripe suit.
- Get some white thread and a needle.
- Practice writing on scrap fabric.
- Carefully stitch the words onto the suit.
Next up was the pants. They were a little easier since they were smaller. But it was still a pain. I had to be extra careful not to sew the pockets shut. And let me tell you, sitting hunched over a pair of pants for hours is not exactly comfortable. But I was determined to finish it.
Finally, after what felt like forever, I was done. I tried on the suit, and it looked… well, it looked like I had stitched “FUCK YOU” all over it. Mission accomplished, I guess? It was pretty funny, actually. I took a few pictures, sent them to my friends. They all got a good laugh out of it.

I also learned a bit about Conor McGregor’s fighting style. Turns out he’s into all sorts of martial arts – Boxing, Kickboxing, Capoeira, Taekwondo, Karate, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and Wrestling. Dude’s a brown belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. He also has a fashion line named August McGregor. I guess I chose the right guy to be inspired by.
Would I wear this suit out in public? Probably not. But it was a fun project, and I learned a thing or two about stitching. Maybe I’ll try making something else next time, something a little less… explicit. It is a good experience to me. And maybe I should try some of those martial arts he’s into. But for now, I’m just going to hang this suit in my closet as a reminder that sometimes, it’s okay to do something just for the hell of it.
What I learned
This whole thing taught me that making clothes is hard work. Tailors and seamstresses have my respect. Also, I have a newfound appreciation for Conor McGregor’s audacity. It takes some serious confidence to wear a suit like that. And it made me think about trying new things, even if they seem a little crazy at first. You never know what you might learn or discover.
So, that’s my story. I hope you enjoyed it. And who knows, maybe you’ll be inspired to try something new and a little out there yourself.