Okay, here’s my experience with today’s crossword puzzle:

So, I started my day like I always do – with the NYT crossword. I mean, who doesn’t love a good brain teaser in the morning, right? Today’s theme was, well, a bit of a stinker, literally. The title was “you guys stink nyt crossword”, and let me tell you, it got me curious and a little worried.
I dived right in, pen in hand, ready to conquer those blank squares. But man, this one was tough. I scanned the clues, trying to find an easy one to get me started. I was looking for anything that shouted “I’m the easy one, start with me!”. I searched for the clue, “You guys STINK!” and was like, “Okay, this could be fun.” I saw the clue has 4 letters. It’s not a long word. Maybe this is the easy one? I love a challenge, but I also love that sweet, sweet feeling of filling in those first few words.
But nothing. I was stuck. I read and reread the clue, thinking, “What could it be? What 4-letter word means ‘you guys stink’? ” I started to put some letters in my head, but none of them seemed to fit. I tried different combinations, different words I could think of, but nothing clicked. I even tried to think of synonyms, like “jeer” or “boo”, but they were too many letters. That’s when I decided to take a little peek online. I figured I could just use a little bit of help to get me going. You know, just a little nudge in the right direction.
So, I googled “you guys stink nyt crossword clue.” And guess what popped up? A bunch of websites dedicated to helping poor souls like me who get stuck on these puzzles.
- One site said, “We solved this clue, that last appeared on March 9.”
- Another said “The answer to You guys STINK!, e.g. crossword clue is JEER.” Bingo!
I saw a few different results, all pointing to the same answer: JEER. It made sense! It’s a four-letter word, and it fits the clue perfectly. I felt a little silly for not getting it myself, but hey, that’s part of the game. It appeared in the NYT Crossword on March 8, 2024.

With that one answer in hand, I felt a renewed sense of determination. I plugged “JEER” into the puzzle, and suddenly, other clues started to make sense. It was like opening a floodgate. Words started flowing, and I was filling in those squares like a pro. Finally, I finished the puzzle!
It’s always a great feeling to complete a crossword, especially one that starts off so tricky. And even though I needed a little help this time, I still felt that sense of accomplishment. Plus, I learned a new word! Well, not really learned, but you know what I mean. Anyway, that’s my crossword adventure for today. Until tomorrow, fellow word nerds!