Man, today was a doozy. I’ve been trying to crack this “elevated for driving” crossword clue for what feels like forever. At first, I thought it had something to do with being high up, you know, like on a hill or something. So I started jotting down words related to that.
- Uphill
- Raised
- Lifted
But none of those seemed to fit the spaces in the crossword. Then I thought, maybe it’s about, like, special roads? So, I started thinking about different kinds of roads.
- Highway
- Freeway
- Expressway
Still nothing. It was driving me nuts! I even started looking up stuff about parking rules and road signs, thinking maybe it was some kind of traffic regulation I didn’t know about. I read about snow emergencies and parking restrictions, all kinds of stuff, I went down the weirdest rabbit holes, man, looking up stuff about spare tires and whatnot. I even took one of those online driver’s license practice tests, which, by the way, is way harder than you’d think.
Then, it hit me. “Elevated” could mean something else entirely. What if it wasn’t about the road being high up, but about the driver’s state? Like, what if the driver was… you know… under the influence?
So I started brainstorming words related to that. And bingo! I think I’ve got it. The answer must be related to being intoxicated.
My Final Thoughts
It just goes to show you, sometimes you gotta think outside the box. And sometimes, the most obvious answer is right there in front of you, you just gotta look at it from a different angle. Anyway, I’m gonna go celebrate now with a nice, cold… soda. Gotta stay sharp for the next crossword!