Okay, so I saw this wild headline – “Dodgers Pitcher Cillian Murphy” – and I was like, WHAT?! There’s no way the Peaky Blinders guy is throwing heat for the Dodgers. I gotta check this out.

First, I jumped on Google, just typing in “Dodgers Pitcher Cillian Murphy.” You know, see what pops up. Mostly, I got a whole bunch of articles about the actual Dodgers pitchers, and then a bunch of stuff about the actor, Cillian Murphy. No real connection.
Then I tried to be more specific. I searched for images. Same deal. Pictures of baseball players, pictures of the actor in his different roles…nothing linking the two.
- First step: General Google search. Nope.
- Second step: Image search. Still no.
So, I figured I’d dig a little deeper. I went to the official Dodgers website. I looked through their roster, checked their pitching lineup, scanned all the names. No Cillian Murphy. I even checked some fan forums, thinking maybe it was some kind of inside joke or a nickname I didn’t know about. Nothing.
My Final Guess
After all that, it become clear. There is no such thing called “Dodgers Pitcher Cillian Murphy”.It’s just my stupid brain playing tricks on me, mixing up a famous actor with a baseball team. It’s totally bunk. I wasted like a good 20 minutes on this. But hey, that’s what happens when you get a crazy idea in your head, I suppose the internet can’t solve all my questions!