Alright, alright, let’s talk about this here… uh… “gfl tier list,” whatever that means. Sounds fancy, but I’ll make it plain as day, ya hear?

So, this “Girls Frontline” thing, it’s got these… dolls. Yeah, dolls. Not the kind you play with, mind you. These are fighting dolls, like little robot soldiers or somethin’. And there’s a whole bunch of ‘em, like, seventy or somethin’. Seventy! That’s a lot of dolls, even for a crazy old lady like me.
Now, some of these dolls, they’re good. Real good. They fight hard, hit hard, and don’t fall apart easy. Others… well, they ain’t so good. They’re kinda like that one rooster we had, all fluff and no fight. So, this here “tier list,” it’s just a way of figurin’ out which dolls are the best, which are okay, and which are, well, kinda useless.
- Top-Notch Dolls (The S-Tier, they call it): These are the cream of the crop, the real deal. They’ll get ya through thick and thin, no problem. Think of ‘em like the strongest mules in the field, always pullin’ their weight and then some. You want these dolls on your team, trust me.
- Pretty Good Dolls (A-Tier): These ain’t too shabby neither. They might not be the absolute best, but they’ll get the job done. Like a good, sturdy hoe, reliable and dependable. You can count on ‘em.
- Okay Dolls (B-Tier): Now we’re gettin’ into the middle of the pack. These dolls, they’re alright, I guess. They’ll do in a pinch, but don’t expect ‘em to carry the whole team. Kinda like that old fence post, it’ll hold up for a while, but it ain’t gonna last forever.
- Not-So-Good Dolls (C-Tier): These dolls… well, they’re kinda like that leaky bucket. You can use ‘em, but you’ll be workin’ twice as hard to get the same results. They’re there, but they ain’t helpin’ much.
- Bottom-of-the-Barrel Dolls (D-Tier): And then there’s these. The ones you don’t wanna touch with a ten-foot pole. Like that rusty old tractor in the back field, just takin’ up space and doin’ nothin’ useful. Avoid ‘em if you can.
Now, seein’ as there’s so many of these dolls, they got different types, too. Like, some are fighters, gettin’ right up in the enemy’s face. They call ‘em “Warriors,” sounds tough, huh? Then there’s the “Guards,” they’re like the bodyguards, takin’ the hits so the others don’t get hurt. And then there’s the “Tactical Dolls,” or “T-Dolls” for short. They’re the main ones, the heroes of the story, I reckon.
So, how do you know which doll is which tier? Well, that’s where it gets complicated. Each doll has its own special… uh… “abilities” and “skills.” Sounds like somethin’ out of a science fiction movie, but it just means they’re good at different things. Some hit hard, some shoot fast, some can take a beatin’. It’s all about findin’ the dolls that work best together, like a good team of farmhands.
This “Girls Frontline 2: Exilium” thing, it’s got fewer dolls, only seventeen or so. But the same idea applies. You gotta figure out which ones are the best, the ones that’ll help you win. They got support dolls, DPS dolls… all sorts of fancy names. But it all boils down to the same thing: some are good, some are bad, and you gotta choose the right ones.

So, this “tier list” thing, it’s just a way of figurin’ out which dolls to use and which ones to leave in the dust. It ain’t perfect, mind you. What works for one person might not work for another. But it’s a good place to start, especially if you’re new to this whole doll-fightin’ business. Just remember, it’s about finding the best dolls for your team, like picking the best apples from the tree. You want the juicy ones, not the rotten ones. And that, my dears, is all there is to it. Don’t go gettin’ all flustered over fancy words and complicated stats. Just pick your dolls, line ‘em up, and get to fightin’.
Now, I gotta go feed the chickens. These dolls ain’t gonna feed themselves, that’s for sure.
Tags:Girls Frontline, Tier List, T-Dolls, Best Characters, GFL, GFL2, Exilium, Mobile Game, Strategy