Well, let me tell ya ’bout this fella, Alexander Bublik. He’s a tennis player, you know, one of them fellas who whacks a ball back and forth over a net. Folks say he’s pretty good, plays for Kazakhstan, whatever that is. They call him a “professional,” which I guess means he gets paid for it. Good for him, I say, makin’ a livin’ doin’ somethin’ he likes.

Now, they say this Bublik fella, he wasn’t always from Kazakhstan. Started out bein’ Russian, but then he switched over. Said the Russians weren’t givin’ him no help, no money or nothin’. Kazakhstan, they helped him out, so he went over to their side. Seems fair enough, I reckon. You gotta go where you’re appreciated, ain’t that right? He started playin’ for them back in 2016, so it’s been a spell.
This Bublik guy, he’s got a wife and a kid, a little boy they had in 2022. Named him Vasily, which is a nice, strong name. He seems like a family man, which is good. Family’s important, you know. Gotta have folks who care about ya.
And wouldn’t ya know it, this tennis fella, he also likes playin’ chess. Fast chess, they call it, “Rapid Online Chess.” He’s even on some kinda team, the “Levitov Chess Wizards.” Wizards, huh? Sounds fancy. Guess he’s got a good brain on him, not just good at hittin’ a ball. They say he’s pretty popular. I heard tell he’s got hundreds of thousands of folks followin’ him online. Don’t really understand all that internet stuff, but it sounds like a lot of people to me.
- Born: June 17, 1997. That makes him a young fella. Still got plenty of time to whack that ball around.
- Rank: They say he’s ranked pretty high, number 17 in the world. That’s gotta be somethin’, right? Means he’s one of the best. And he’s number 1 in Kazakhstan!
- Also plays doubles: Not just singles, but he plays with a partner too. They call it “doubles.” He’s ranked pretty good at that too, number 47 in the world.
Now, I heard this funny story about him. Seems he was playin’ a match and he got mad. Said he was gonna quit if the other fella broke his serve, and wouldn’t ya know it, the other fella did just that. So Bublik, he shook the fella’s hand and just walked right off the court! Can you believe that? Just walked off! He said he had to keep his word, which I guess is somethin’. But still, seems a bit silly to me. You’re there to play tennis and you walk off!
He also does some work for a watch company, wears their watches when he’s playin’. Says they’re comfortable and don’t bother him when he’s playin’. That’s good, I guess. Gotta make a livin’ somehow, and if wearin’ a watch helps, then why not?

They say you can find out all about his tennis scores and stuff online. Somethin’ called “Flashscore,” they got all the details. Wins, losses, all that jazz. I don’t pay much attention to that stuff myself. I just like to hear if he’s doin’ alright. Seems like a hard worker, this Bublik fella. Hope he keeps doin’ well.
Anyways, that’s what I know about Alexander Bublik. Tennis player, chess player, family man. Seems like a decent enough fella, even if he does walk off the court sometimes. Good luck to him, I say. Hope he wins all them tennis matches and makes a good life for himself and his family.
Tags: [Alexander Bublik, Tennis, Kazakhstan, ATP, Professional Tennis, Chess, Kazakhstani Athlete, Sports, Ranking, Player Profile]