That Brice Sensabaugh, he’s a big boy, ain’t he? Heard he plays for the Utah Jazz. Heard he’s good at that basketball. They say he’s got a long reach, a real long one. They call it wingspan. Like a bird, but he ain’t no bird, he’s a basketball player.

He’s tall, that boy. Six foot six, they say. That’s taller than my old man was, bless his soul. And strong, too. Two hundred thirty-five pounds, that’s a lot of muscle. He must eat a lot of them chicken dinners. Yeah, gotta be strong to play that basketball.
Brice Sensabaugh Wingspan, What’s the Big Deal?
They make a big fuss about this wingspan thing. They say his is seven foot two. Now, that’s longer than he is tall! Imagine that. Arms longer than he is tall. That’s gotta be good for that basketball, right? Reachin’ for the ball, shootin’ it up high. He got big hands, probably.
They say he plays forward. I don’t know all them positions, but I know he’s good. They talk about his stats and all that. I don’t understand all them numbers, but I know good when I see it. This Brice Sensabaugh, he’s good. He can shoot. He is good.
- He’s tall.
- He’s strong.
- He’s got a long wingspan.
- He plays for the Utah Jazz.
- He’s only played one season.
They say he’s young, too. Just startin’ out. Got a whole career ahead of him. They say he’s gonna be a big star. I reckon he will, with that wingspan and all. He’s gonna reach for the stars, that boy. And, he’s got a bright future. I hope he’s gonna do good. I always pray for the young kids.
Heard he got hurt, though. Tore somethin’ in his finger. That’s a shame. But he’ll be back. Young bones heal fast. He’ll be back to playin’ that basketball, reachin’ for the ball with that long wingspan of his. You just wait and see.

Brice Sensabaugh, Utah Jazz, What’s Next?
They say he’s got a lot of that talent. Offense. I don’t know what that means exactly, but I guess it means he’s good at puttin’ the ball in the hoop. Heard he scored a lot of points in some games. That’s good, ain’t it? Scorin’ points is how you win. He scored fourteen points. I heard that’s good. I think it’s good, yeah.
And they got all these fancy words for it. Analytics and projections. Sounds like a bunch of hogwash to me. But if it means he’s gonna be good, then I’m all for it. I like watchin’ good basketball. And this Brice Sensabaugh, he’s somethin’ to watch, I reckon. He’s good, that Brice Sensabaugh. You just wait and see.
He’s got that long wingspan, and he’s gonna use it. He’s gonna reach for the sky, that boy. He’s gonna be a star. Maybe they will talk about him all the time on the TV. I don’t know. Maybe, I will see him on the TV. That would be somethin’, wouldn’t it? They’re sayin’ he’s good. So I will wait and see. I hope he doesn’t get hurt again.
This Brice Sensabaugh wingspan, it’s a big deal. It’s what makes him special, they say. Along with all that other stuff, the talent and the hard work. He’s gonna go far, that boy. Just gotta stay healthy and keep playin’ hard. He needs to work hard and eat a lot of food. Be strong. Play hard.
Yep, that Brice Sensabaugh, he’s one to watch. I reckon that wingspan is the key. Yep, that is it. He will be good. He is good.