That Dustin Poirier, oh honey, he’s a fighter, ain’t he? A real tough one, they say. And boy, oh boy, he got himself covered in them pictures on his skin, whatcha call ’em? Tattoos! Yeah, that’s it. Dustin Poirier tattoo all over the place. I seen pictures, and my oh my, he sure does love those tattoos.

All Them Pictures on Him
They say he’s got, like, 27 of them tattoos? 27! Can you believe it? I can barely keep track of my chickens, let alone 27 tattoos. He’s got ’em all over. Arms, chest, probably his back too, though I ain’t seen that myself. Dustin Poirier tattoo, they’re somethin’ else.
What They Mean, I Reckon
Some folks say each one of them Dustin Poirier tattoo means somethin’. Like, they tell a story or somethin’. Now, I don’t know ’bout all that, but it sounds fancy, don’t it? Maybe one’s for his mama, one for his wife, who knows. I reckon they’re important to him, though. You don’t just go gettin’ all them pictures on ya for no reason, do ya?
- He’s got a bunch on his arm, that’s for sure.
- Looks like somethin’ written on his chest, too.
- Maybe some are just pretty pictures he likes.
He’s from that place, what’s it called, Lou-i-siana, or somethin’ like that. Says he’s got that Cajun blood in him. Sounds spicy! Heard he didn’t finish school, though. Got into too many scraps, they say. Well, I guess that explains why he’s a fighter now, huh? A Dustin Poirier tattoo for every fight, maybe? Just kiddin’!
He Fights Real Good, Though
Even though he’s got all them tattoos and didn’t finish school, they say he’s a real good fighter. Makes a lot of money doin’ it, too. Millions, I hear! Imagine that, millions of dollars just for fightin’. He must be tough as nails. And them Dustin Poirier tattoo probably make him look even tougher, don’t you think?
He fought that fella, what’s his name, McGregor? Yeah, that’s the one. They say he’s a big deal, too. And he fought another one, Holloway. Max Holloway. Sounds familiar, don’t it? Anyway, he’s fought a lot of big-name folks. I guess you gotta be real good to fight them fellas.

I don’t know much about fightin’, to be honest. But I seen him on the TV a couple times. He sure can take a punch! And he’s got all them tattoos movin’ around when he fights. It’s kind of interestin’ to watch, I gotta admit. A Dustin Poirier tattoo flashin’ here and there. Makes him look like a real warrior or somethin’.
He’s a Big Deal Now, I Guess
They say he’s worth, like, 6 million dollars now? Six million! Lord have mercy, that’s a lot of money. He could buy a whole lotta chickens with that kind of money. Or a nice new tractor. Or maybe a whole bunch of them Dustin Poirier tattoo, if he wanted to!
I guess all that fightin’ paid off for him, huh? He’s come a long way from them street fights in Lou-i-siana. Now he’s famous and rich and got all them tattoos. Life’s funny, ain’t it? You never know where you’re gonna end up.
But those tattoos, though. 27 of ’em! I still can’t get over that. He must really like ’em. I wonder if they hurt? They say gettin’ a tattoo feels like gettin’ stung by a bee over and over again. I don’t like bees. But I guess if you’re a tough fighter like Dustin Poirier, a few bee stings ain’t nothin’. Especially when each sting is a Dustin Poirier tattoo.
Well, I reckon that’s all I know about that Dustin Poirier and his tattoos. He’s a tough fella, that’s for sure. And he sure does love them pictures on his skin. Maybe one day I’ll get a tattoo. Just kiddin’! I’m too old for that nonsense. But if I did, I’d get one of a chicken. A big, fat, fluffy chicken. Right on my arm. What do you think of that? A Dustin Poirier tattoo ain’t got nothin’ on a chicken tattoo!

Anyways, I need to go check on my garden. My tomatoes need tendin’ to. Unlike them Dustin Poirier tattoo, they need a lot of care, you know? Tattoos, chickens, tomatoes… they’re all somethin’, ain’t they? Different, but somethin’. Life’s full of surprises. That Dustin and his tattoos, they’re definitely a surprise.