Okay, so the other day I was messing around with fantasy football, as you do, and I got Amari Cooper on my team. Cool, right? But then came the hard part – picking a team name. I mean, you gotta have a good team name, something that’s, you know, funny or clever, or maybe even a little intimidating.

Brainstorming and getting ideas
So, I started brainstorming. I thought, “What’s a good way to come up with a name that involves Amari Cooper?” First thing, I Googled “Amari Cooper fantasy names.” I know, I know, not exactly rocket science, but hey, you gotta start somewhere, right?
I went through a bunch of websites, and to be honest, most of the names were pretty lame. Lots of really obvious puns and stuff that just wasn’t that funny. I mean, I’m not expecting to be a comedy genius here, but I wanted something at least a little bit original.
After a while, I started writing down some ideas of my own. I jotted down a whole bunch of stuff, just free-associating, you know?
- Cooper’s Troopers
- Amari’s Army
- Cooper’s Catchy Crew
Some of them were okay, some were terrible. But that’s how it goes when you’re brainstorming, right? You gotta throw a bunch of stuff at the wall and see what sticks.
Filtering and selecting
Then, I started crossing off the really bad ones, and I was left with a handful of names that I thought were decent. I asked a couple of my buddies what they thought, and they gave me some feedback. They liked some of the names, hated others, you know how it goes.
Finally, after all that, I picked one that I thought was pretty good. I won’t tell you which one, gotta keep some secrets, right? But I was pretty happy with it. It’s got a nice ring to it, and it’s at least a little bit clever. Or at least I think so.
Anyway, that’s my story about picking a fantasy football team name with Amari Cooper. It wasn’t exactly the most exciting adventure, but hey, it’s the little things, right? And who knows, maybe my new team name will bring me good luck this season. Or maybe it won’t. But at least I had a little fun coming up with it.