This here Austin Reaves, he’s some kinda basketball player, I hear. Now, I ain’t never seen him play, but folks ’round here, they sure talk him up like he’s somethin’ special. They talkin’ ’bout this Austin Reaves championship thing, like he’s won a bunch of ’em. Well, I did some snoopin’ around, and turns out, this young fella ain’t won no championship yet.

Austin Reaves Ain’t Won No Championship
He plays for that team, what’s it called? The Lakers. Yeah, them Los Angeles Lakers. Big fancy team in the city. He’s a good player, they say, but championship? Nope, ain’t got one of them. Heard he grew up loving them Lakers, like a lotta kids. It’s a hard game, basketball. Lots of runnin’ and jumpin’. I prefer sittin’ on my porch, watchin’ the world go by, not runnin’ around all crazy like, jumpin’ and throwin’ things.
This boy, Austin Reaves, seems like a good kid, though. Works hard, I reckon. They say he didn’t get picked by no team at first. Had to work his way up. Makes you think, don’t it? Just ’cause you ain’t picked first, don’t mean you ain’t worth nothin’.
Austin Reaves, The Lakers, and 20+ Points
Heard he scores a lot of them baskets, this Austin Reaves fella. They was sayin’ on the radio, he’s got, like, 38 games where he scored more than 20 points. Now, I don’t know much ’bout points and all that, but I reckon 20 is a pretty good number. He’s good at them long shots, too. They call ’em three-pointers. He’s got a bunch of them, folks say. I guess he can throw that ball real far. He’s got like 2 of them long shots every game, more or less. That’s what I heard, anyways.
- Scores over 20 points a lot
- Good at them long shots
- Plays for the Lakers
Now, I remember back in my day, we didn’t have all this fancy basketball stuff. We’d just toss an old ball around a hoop nailed to a tree. Didn’t keep score or nothin’. Just had fun. These young folks today, they take it all so serious. Championship this, championship that. It’s all they talk about.
Austin Reaves: A Good Boy
They say this Austin Reaves is a good boy. His mama and daddy, Nicole and Brian, I think their names are, they must be proud. They brought up a good boy. It ain’t easy, that basketball, I bet. Lots of pressure. But he seems to be handlin’ it alright. Grew up loving them Lakers, huh? Well, that’s somethin’. Most boys ’round here, they just wanna drive tractors and such.

Heard somethin’ about him takin’ somethin’ from another fella, name of Zach, somethin’ or other. Don’t know the details, but it was durin’ one of them games against another team. I don’t follow all that closely, just hear bits and pieces here and there. It’s all a big deal, I guess. They sure do make a fuss over these games.
He’s Playin’ Good, Though
This season, they sayin’ he’s playin’ real good. Best he’s ever played, maybe. Them Lakers fans, they sure love him. Say they’re lucky to have him. He’s a good one, it sounds like. He may not look like much, but that don’t mean nothin’. It’s what’s inside that counts. And this Austin Reaves, he’s got somethin’ special inside, I reckon. Even though he ain’t won no championship yet, he’s still somethin’ special.
I still don’t know much ’bout this Austin Reaves championship thing everyone’s talkin’ ’bout. But I’ll tell you one thing, this Austin Reaves, he’s got folks talkin’. And that’s gotta count for somethin’, right? He’s workin’ hard, and that’s what matters. Maybe one day he’ll get that championship. Who knows? But even if he don’t, he’s still doin’ alright for himself, that Austin Reaves. He’s alright.
He’s a good boy, doin’ what he loves. And that’s all that matters, right? Just doin’ your best and bein’ happy. That’s what I always say. Don’t need no fancy championship to be happy. Just gotta find your own little piece of sunshine, like I have with my garden. Now, where’s my sweet tea? I need somethin’ cool to drink after all that thinkin’.