Now, you know, if you’ve ever sat down to do one of them New York Times crosswords, you probably run across all sorts of funny clues. Some of ’em don’t make a lick of sense at first, but once you figure ‘em out, it’s like a lightbulb goes off. One of the clues that’s come up a lot in recent crosswords is the one about basketball stats. I ain’t no expert in basketball, mind you, but I do know a few things about them stats and what they mean. Now, let me tell you what you need to know about that basketball stats category that’s popped up in the New York Times crossword puzzles.

First off, if you ever see a clue that says “Basketball stats category” in the crossword, don’t be too quick to scratch your head. The answer’s usually right there in front of ya. Most recently, when that clue showed up on January 21, 2024, the answer was “ASSISTS.” Now, if you’re sittin’ there wondering what in the world that means, let me explain it to ya in the simplest way I know how.
What’s an Assist in Basketball?
An assist in basketball is when one player passes the ball to another player who then scores a basket. It’s a way to help your teammate score, and it counts as a stat because, well, it’s important. You might not get the points for the basket, but you helped get the ball to the right person, and that counts for something. Just like in life, sometimes it’s about lendin’ a hand to someone else, and in basketball, that’s what an assist is all about. It’s just a fancy way of saying, “I helped ya out.” Pretty simple, right?
Why is it Important?
Now, why do they keep track of this stat? Well, just like how in any sport you got different ways to measure who’s doin’ good, assists show how well players work together as a team. It ain’t all about just shootin’ the ball yourself. If you got a good player who can pass the ball and set up a good shot for someone else, then they’re doing their job. Basketball is a team sport, after all, and assists help tell the story of how well a team works together.

Other Common Basketball Stats
Now, don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty of other stats you’ll run into when you watch a game or do one of them crosswords. Besides assists, here’s a list of some other stats that come up a lot in basketball:
- Points: This one’s pretty obvious. Every time someone makes a basket, they get points. The more points, the better, of course.
- Rebounds: This is when a player grabs the ball after someone else misses a shot. There’s offensive and defensive rebounds, depending on where the shot is taken from.
- Steals: This is when a player takes the ball away from the other team. It’s like swiping a cookie right outta the jar!
- Blocks: When a player stops another player’s shot from going in the basket by swatting it away.
- Turnovers: This one’s not so great. It’s when a player loses the ball to the other team, either by mistake or by a steal.
Now, all them stats work together to give you a picture of how a player or a team is doin’. You got your assists to show how well folks are passin’ and workin’ together, but you also need the points, the rebounds, and all them other things to really understand what’s happenin’ on the court. It’s like making a stew—you need all them different ingredients to get the right flavor!
Why You Might See “ASSISTS” in the Crossword
So, why does the New York Times crossword keep bringin’ up the “basketball stats category”? Well, folks like to do crossword puzzles because they like challenges, and they also like feelin’ like they know something when they figure out a clue. If you’re a basketball fan, you’ll know exactly what an assist is, and that’s why it keeps poppin’ up. But even if you ain’t a basketball expert, it’s still a good clue because it helps you understand a little bit about the game, and that’s what makes a good crossword clue in my book.

And you ain’t gotta be a pro to enjoy figuring out that clue. Every time you see it, you’ll remember that an assist is a good thing, like helping someone across the street. You might not get the glory of scoring the points, but you did your part, and that’s what matters.
Next time you’re sittin’ there with your crossword puzzle in hand and you see that “Basketball stats category” clue, you’ll be ready. You won’t have to scratch your head or wonder. Just write in “ASSISTS,” and you’ll be one step closer to finishing that puzzle.
So there you have it. Whether you’re a basketball fan or not, now you know what “ASSISTS” means in the world of basketball stats, and why it’s a common answer in crossword puzzles. Ain’t that somethin’?
Tags:[Basketball, Stats, Crossword, New York Times, Assists, Basketball Stats, Basketball Clue, Puzzle, Basketball Game]