Alright, guys, so today I decided to tackle a fun little project: brainstorming some fantasy football team names that have absolutely nothing to do with actual players. I mean, we’ve all seen the “Mahomes Alone” and “Run CMC” names, right? Time for something fresh!

I started by just free-writing whatever popped into my head. Seriously, anything. I wrote down things like:
- Random animals: “The Screaming Squirrels,” “The Majestic Manatees.”
- Funny food combos: “The Pickle and Peanut Butter Platoon,” “The Spicy Meatball Marauders.”
- Made-up words: “The Gobblygook Gladiators,” “The Flumph Fighters.”
The first page of my notebook was a MESS. It had every Idea and even coffee stains and some random drawings. But that’s the point, Get. It. All. Out.
Then, I started to look for themes. I thought, what are some things I enjoy that I could turn into a silly team name? I love bad puns, so I tried a few of those:
- “Lawn Mower Than Words”
- “Ctrl Alt Defeat.”
Next, I looked back at those bad names in notebook, and just try to find some funny words and make sentences.
- I found the word “Victorious”, then I got “Victorious Secretions”. Gross, I know, I laughed.
- Found “Awkward”, then came out “Awkward Turtles”. Ok, I can roll with this one.
The key is don’t take yourself too seriously. This is supposed to be fun.
After about an hour of scribbling, crossing things out, and probably annoying my cat with my random outbursts of laughter, I had a pretty solid list. Some of my favorites:
- The Fighting Mongooses (a classic!)
- The Average Joes (Dodgeball reference, anyone?)
- The Gridiron Grinches
- The Sunday Scaries
My biggest piece of advice? Don’t be afraid to be weird. The weirder, the better, in my opinion. Embrace the absurdity! It makes the whole fantasy football experience a little more fun.
I did it. I am Ready for Fantasy!