Alright, so I finally decided to tackle the Captain Briggsy quest in Sea of Thieves. I’d heard it was a bit of a pain, but figured, hey, I’m a seasoned pirate now, how hard could it be? Famous last words, right?

First thing I did was grab the quest from the Order of Souls. Madame whats-her-face gave me the usual spooky talk, and I was off. I hopped on my ship, a trusty sloop, and set sail to the first island she mentioned.
Got there, and immediately started digging where the X marked the spot. No problem, found the first chest. Easy peasy, I thought. Then, of course, the skeletons showed up.
- These weren’t your average, everyday, run-of-the-mill skeletons. Oh no. These were those annoying ones with the guns.
- Spent a good ten minutes running around like a headless chicken, trying to avoid getting shot while also taking them out with my cutlass.
- Finally managed to defeat them, but not without using up a bunch of my bananas.
Moved on to the next island, and the next, and the next. Each time, it was the same song and dance: dig, find chest, fight skeletons, rinse and repeat. It started to get a bit tedious, I’m not gonna lie.
The Final Showdown
Finally, I arrived at the last island. This time, instead of just regular skeletons, Captain Briggsy herself popped up. Let me tell you, she’s a tough one.
We fought for what felt like forever. She teleported around, summoned more skeletons, and generally made my life miserable. I died a couple of times, I’ll admit, but eventually, I figured out her patterns.

The trick, I discovered, was to keep moving and use the environment to my advantage. I lured her near some explosive barrels and BOOM! Took a huge chunk of her health.
After a lot of dodging, slashing, and a little bit of luck, I finally defeated her. It was a real nail-biter, but I got her in the end.
Grabbed the skull, took it back to the Order of Souls, and got my reward. Was it worth the hassle? Maybe. Would I do it again? Probably not anytime soon. But hey, at least I can say I did it!