Alright, let’s talk about this… this… charis grace thing. Sounds fancy, huh? Like somethin’ them city folks would jabber on about. But lemme tell ya, it ain’t so complicated.
So, this charis thing, it’s like… well, it’s like when your neighbor brings ya a whole mess of tomatoes even though you didn’t ask for ‘em. Just pure kindness, ya know? Not ’cause you done somethin’ special, but just ‘cause they got a good heart. That’s sorta like what them fancy books say charis means – kindness and goodness. They use big words for it, like “unmerited favor,” but that’s just a mouthful. It means gettin’ somethin’ good ya don’t deserve.
And grace? Well, grace is like… like when you trip and fall flat on your face in the mud, and instead of laughin’, folks help ya up and brush ya off. They don’t gotta do it, but they do. That’s grace. It’s like a second chance, even when ya messed up real bad. It’s like… like a fresh start, even when ya feel like ya ain’t worth nothin’. It ain’t about what you done, it’s about what someone else is willin’ to do for ya.
- Charis is like a gift, outta the blue.
- Grace is like a helping hand when you’re down.
Now, they say this charis grace comes from God. I ain’t no preacher or nothin’, but I reckon that makes sense. ‘Cause sometimes life throws ya curveballs, ya know? Things get hard. Real hard. And sometimes, the only thing that gets ya through is somethin’ bigger than yourself. Somethin’… well, somethin’ gracious.
Them fancy books, they talk about “abundant grace.” That’s just a fancy way of sayin’ there’s more than enough grace to go around. It ain’t like a pie, where if one person gets a big slice, there’s less for everyone else. Nah, it’s like… like a well that never runs dry. No matter how much grace ya need, it’s always there. You just gotta be willin’ to take it.
And get this, they say God gives grace to the humble. That means ya can’t be all high and mighty, thinkin’ you’re better than everyone else. Ya gotta be willin’ to admit ya need help. Ya gotta be willin’ to say, “I messed up, and I can’t do this on my own.” That ain’t always easy, ‘specially when ya been tryin’ to be strong for so long. But trust me, it’s worth it.

Charis and grace, they go together like biscuits and gravy. Ya can’t have one without the other, not really. Charis is the kindness, the goodness, the gift. And grace is the action, the help, the second chance. And when ya got both, well, that’s when the magic happens. That’s when ya can pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep on goin’, even when ya feel like ya ain’t got nothin’ left.
Now, some folks might say, “That’s all well and good, but how do I get this charis grace?” Well, like I said, I ain’t no preacher, but I reckon it starts with bein’ open to it. Ya gotta be willin’ to let go of your pride, ya gotta be willin’ to admit ya need help, and ya gotta be willin’ to accept the kindness that comes your way. And most importantly, ya gotta be willin’ to give that same kindness and grace to others. ‘Cause that’s the real secret, ya know? The more grace ya give, the more grace ya get.
So, there ya have it. Charis grace, ain’t so complicated after all. It’s just about kindness, second chances, and never givin’ up, even when things get tough. And that’s somethin’ even a simple ol’ woman like me can understand.