Okay, so today I decided to tackle the “Collect Strange Parts” quest in Genshin Impact. I’ve been putting it off for a while, but I figured it was time to finally get it done. Here’s how it went down:

Getting Started
First, I jumped into the game and checked my quest log to make sure I had the quest active. Yep, there it was, staring me in the face. I already knew it involved helping out a Fontaine researcher, so my next step was to figure out where these “strange parts” even were.
The Hunt Begins
I pulled up an online guide, Because I’m not ashamed to admit I needed a little help! It turns out there are a bunch of these parts scattered around a few different areas. Most of them involved, surprise surprise, beating up some meka enemies. I had fought to find the strange parts.
Fighting the Mekas
So, I teleported over to the first location marked on the guide. I spotted a group of those clockwork meka enemies pretty quickly. Time for a fight! I whipped out my best team – I think I went with a hyperbloom composition. It’s pretty reliably strong and tears through stuff like this, It’s also nice for exploration. And then. I unleashed all my bursts and skills. They didn’t stand a chance. After they were scrap metal, I looted the area and, boom, there was the first strange part.
Rinse and Repeat
I basically repeated this process for the other locations. Teleport, find the mekas, beat them up, grab the part. Some were a little trickier to find than others – one was hidden behind some breakable rocks, which took me a minute to figure out. For that, I switched and use a Geo character and boom, those rocks are no more! But overall, it was pretty straightforward. I found some other strange parts, they always hiding in a hard-to-find place, like on top of the hill or something.
Turning It In
Once I collected all the parts the guide told me about, I headed back to the researcher. I talked to her, handed over the parts, and that was it! Quest complete. I got my rewards – some Primogems, Mora, and other goodies. Always nice to get that stuff.

Final Thoughts
Honestly, it wasn’t the most exciting quest in the world, but it was satisfying to finally get it done. And hey, free Primogems are always welcome! If you’re working on this quest, just be patient, use a guide if you need to, and make sure you have a strong team to deal with those mekas. Good luck!