Alright, so I got it into my head that I wanted to try and grow a beard like Conor McGregor. You know, that sharp, well-defined look he rocks. Figured it couldn’t be that hard, right? Wrong.

Phase 1: The Awkward Start
First thing I did was, well, nothing. I just stopped shaving. Let it all grow out. For, like, a month. And man, did it look rough. It was patchy, uneven, and just generally… bad. My wife kept giving me “the look.” You know the one.
Phase 2: Finding the Shape
After that initial grow-out period, I realized I needed some guidance. So I started watching some videos and reading some stuff online. Seems like the key to the McGregor beard is the sharp lines, especially along the cheeks and jawline.
I trimmed the neckline first. I was careful with this.
Phase 3: Taming the Beast
- I applied some beard oil. A few drops, massaged it in. Supposedly this keeps things healthy and, you know, not so wiry.
- I brushed that bad boy. Got a boar bristle brush. Seems to help train the hairs to go where you want them. Who knew?
- More trimming. I started to very, very carefully shape the cheeks, trying to get that signature McGregor angle. This was nerve-wracking. I messed up a few times and had to let it grow back out a bit to fix it.
Phase 4: Maintaining the Masterpiece (Or Trying To)
Now, it’s all about upkeep. I’m still using the oil and brush daily. I’m also trimming those cheek lines and the neckline every few days to keep it sharp. It’s a lot more work than I thought it would be, to be honest.
Does it look exactly like Conor McGregor’s? Nah. But it’s getting there. It’s definitely an improvement over that initial scraggly mess. And, surprisingly, my wife doesn’t give me “the look” nearly as often anymore. So, I’m calling that a win.