Alright, let’s talk about them CR 2v2 decks, you know, for that Clash Royale game. My grandkids, they play it all the time, and I watch ‘em. So, I kinda picked up a thing or two, ya know? Don’t expect no fancy talk from me, though. I just say it like it is.

First off, this 2v2 thing, it ain’t like the regular battle. You gotta work with someone, and that means your decks gotta work together too. It’s like cookin’ a meal – gotta have the right ingredients, and they gotta go together, or it’ll taste awful. Same with the decks.
Now, I see these young’uns, they use all sorts of crazy stuff. But some things, they just work better. Like that P.E.K.K.A. bridge spam deck. That big ol’ P.E.K.K.A., she’s tough, real tough. And if you got someone supportin’ her with, ya know, smaller, faster stuff, it’s hard to stop. It’s like havin’ a strong ox pullin’ the cart, and little dogs nipping at the heels to keep everyone away.
- P.E.K.K.A. Decks: You need somethin’ to clear the way for her, and somethin’ to deal with them swarms. Bats, skeletons, that kinda stuff. Maybe a Wizard or a Valkyrie.
- Bait Decks: These are tricky, real tricky. You throw out somethin’ that looks juicy, like a Goblin Barrel, and then bam! You hit ‘em with somethin’ else when they waste their spells. Gotta be smart, though.
- Golem Decks: Slow and steady, that’s the Golem. But when he splits, oh boy, it’s trouble. You need backup for him, though, cause he’s expensive. Maybe a Night Witch or some Baby Dragons.
- Hog Rider Decks: That Hog Rider, he’s fast! Good for sneakin’ in some damage. But he’s kinda weak, so you need somethin’ to protect him. Maybe an Ice Golem or some Valkyries.
The best players, they know how to pick decks that work together. Like, one person uses a big tank, and the other uses something to support it. Or one person uses spells to clear the way, and the other uses troops to attack. It’s all about teamwork, ya see?
And don’t go forgettin’ about them spells. A well-timed Fireball or Zap can change everything. It’s like havin’ a good ol’ fly swatter – gotta use it at the right time, or them flies’ll just keep buzzin’ around. And you know, those spells can help against air troops too. Those Balloons and Lava Hounds, they can be a real pain if you ain’t prepared.
Normal Battle 2v2, that’s where you really gotta be on your toes. People try all sorts of things there. You gotta be ready for anything. It’s like a potluck dinner, ya never know what folks are gonna bring. And sometimes, it’s good, and sometimes, well, it ain’t so good. But you gotta make the best of it.

They got this 2v2 Ladder now, too. That’s serious business. Only the best teams with the best coordination win there. You can’t just throw any two decks together and expect to win. It’s like a dance, gotta have rhythm and know your partner’s steps. And practice, lots and lots of practice. My grandkids, they practice all the time. Sometimes I think they practice more than they eat!
And don’t get me started on those challenges. They had that CRL 2v2 Challenge, and everyone was lookin’ for the best decks. It was like a town fair, everyone tryin’ to win the blue ribbon. And let me tell ya, some of them decks were somethin’ else. Real creative, real powerful. But even the best deck won’t help you if you don’t know how to use it. And you have to make sure to have good defense like a good building or strong units, otherwise, you get your towers knocked down real fast.
So, there you have it. That’s my take on them CR 2v2 decks. It ain’t fancy, but it’s the truth. You gotta have teamwork, good decks that work together, and a little bit of luck. And don’t forget to have fun. It’s just a game, after all. Even this old lady can see that.
Remember, it’s not just about the cards you have, it’s how you use them. And playing with a partner? Well, that just makes it twice the fun, and twice the trouble sometimes! But that’s what makes it interestin’, right? Just like life, ya gotta take the good with the bad and keep on goin’. Now go on and try some of them decks out. And don’t forget what I told ya!
And when you build a deck, remember to look at your partner’s cards too. If they have a lot of air defense, maybe you don’t need as much. If they have a strong push deck, maybe you need to focus on defense. That’s the smart way to play.

Tags: [Clash Royale, 2v2, Decks, P.E.K.K.A, Golem, Hog Rider, Bait, Strategy, Normal Battle, 2v2 Ladder, CRL Challenge, Teamwork]