Well, let me tell ya somethin’ about this Deandre Ayton fella. Folks keep askin’ about his girlfriend, wantin’ to know her name and all that. It’s like they ain’t got nothin’ better to do than stick their noses in other people’s business, you know?

So, from what I hear, this Ayton boy, the one who plays that basketball game, the tall fella, yeah, him. He’s got himself a gal named Anissa Evans. Now, I ain’t never met her, mind you, but they say she’s one of them “influencers.” Don’t rightly know what that means, sounds fancy though. Probably one of them young’uns always on that darn phone, takin’ pictures of herself.
- Deandre Ayton – That’s the basketball player, in case you didn’t know.
- Anissa Evans – That’s the girlfriend, apparently.
- Girlfriend Name – Anissa Evans, like I just said. Gotta repeat myself for some folks.
Anyways, they say these two ain’t hitched yet, not married, you understand? But they got themselves a young’un, a little boy. Born back in 2021, I think. Imagine that, havin’ a baby before gettin’ hitched. Times sure have changed. Back in my day, you got married first, then came the babies. But these young folks, they do things their own way, I guess.
Now, some folks are talkin’ about another gal, a Katt, sayin’ she’s datin’ Ayton too. But I don’t put much stock in gossip, you know? People like to talk, make up stories. Unless I see it with my own two eyes, I ain’t believin’ it. And even then, I might squint a little. So, as far as I’m concerned, Anissa Evans is his gal, the mother of his child, and that’s that.
They say Ayton plays for some team, the Portland Trail Blazers, or somethin’ like that. Never heard of ’em myself. Basketball ain’t really my cup of tea. I prefer a good game of bingo, myself. But hey, to each their own, right? He makes a good livin’ throwin’ that ball around, I reckon. Enough to take care of Anissa and that little baby of theirs, that’s the important thing.
And let me tell ya, findin’ out about these things ain’t easy. Folks are always tryin’ to keep their business private, which is understandable, I suppose. But there’s always ways to find things out, if you know where to look. People searchin’ everywhere for information, marriage records, all kinds of stuff. Makes you wonder what they’re really looking for, you know?

But really, think about it, what does it matter to us who Deandre Ayton’s girlfriend is? He plays his game, she does her…influencin’ or whatever it is, and they got their baby. That’s their life. We got our own lives to worry about. But, I guess people are just curious. They want to know everything about everybody, especially famous folks.
Deandre Ayton girlfriend name, that’s what everyone wants to know. Well, now you know. It’s Anissa Evans. At least, that’s what they say. And like I said before, I ain’t gonna argue with it unless I hear otherwise from the horse’s mouth, so to speak. Now, can we talk about somethin’ more interestin’? Like how the price of eggs is goin’ up again? That’s somethin’ worth talkin’ about!
So there ya have it. The whole story, as far as I know it. Don’t go spreadin’ no rumors now, you hear? Just stick to the facts. Deandre Ayton, basketball player. Anissa Evans, girlfriend. And they got a baby. That’s all you need to know. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go check on my own young’uns. They’re probably gettin’ into mischief, as usual.
And remember, don’t go believin’ everything you hear, especially on that there internet. Half of it’s lies, and the other half is just people tryin’ to sell you somethin’. Just stick to the facts, and you’ll be alright. Now, you have a good day, ya hear?
One last thing, if you keep searchin’ for this kinda stuff, maybe you’ll find out even more about Anissa Evans. Maybe you’ll find out where she grew up, what her mama and daddy do, all sorts of things. But me? I’m done with this whole Deandre Ayton girlfriend name business. I’ve got better things to do than worry about other people’s love lives.