Alright, so listen up, y’all. This whole thing with them football fellas, Deion Sanders and Jay Norvell, it’s got everyone talkin’, you know? Like, even my old hens are cluckin’ about it, and they don’t know nothin’ ’bout football.

First off, they was all friendly-like, shakin’ hands and whatnot. You know, how folks do before things get all messy. Real polite, like when you see your neighbor at the market even though you secretly think their tomatoes are puny.
- They was smilin’ and all
- But then, things got spicy, real spicy
See, Norvell, he started yappin’ ’bout Sanders. Said somethin’ ’bout how Sanders wears sunglasses and a hat all the time. Now, I ain’t no fashion expert, but a man can wear what he wants, right? It ain’t hurtin’ nobody.
But then, Norvell, he kept on jabberin’. Said somethin’ ’bout Sanders’ mama. Now, you don’t talk about nobody’s mama. That’s just plain wrong. It’s like stealin’ eggs from your neighbor’s coop, only worse. Way worse. My grandma always told me, you can say what you want ‘bout a man, but you leave his mama out of it.
Sanders, he got riled up, real riled up. And who can blame him? If someone talked smack about my mama, I’d be hoppin’ mad too. I’d be chasin’ ‘em with a broom, I tell ya. Sanders, he let Norvell have it. Told him straight up, “You was talkin’ ’bout my mama!” Good for him, I say. Somebody had to tell that fella to shut his trap.
Now, some folks say Norvell was just tryin’ to get under Sanders’ skin, you know, play some kinda mind games. Like when you try to distract a rooster so you can snatch an egg. But I think it was just plain disrespectful. There’s a difference between bein’ competitive and bein’ a jerk.

Sanders, he’s got this big contract with Colorado, right? Big money, fancy stuff. But money don’t buy you class, that’s for sure. And it don’t give you the right to go around insultin’ people’s mamas. Norvell, he says he ain’t worried about no backlash. Well, he should be. Folks don’t take kindly to folks disrespectin’ mamas.
I heard tell Sanders used to have some troubles in his past, somethin’ ’bout drug tests. But hey, ain’t nobody perfect. We all make mistakes. And as far as I know, he never got arrested for nothin’ serious. No DUIs, no beatin’ folks up, nothin’ like that. He straightened himself out, and that’s what matters. He turned his life around, just like that time my cousin Earl stopped drinkin’ moonshine and started raisin’ goats. It can be done, see?
Anyways, this whole thing is just a big ol’ mess. They should be focusin’ on football, not on trash talkin’ and insultin’ each other’s families. It’s like that time my neighbor’s dog got into my garden and instead of getting the dog out, they just started arguing. Nobody wins that way. Football’s supposed to be fun, a good time. Not this nonsense.
So, here’s what I think: Norvell, he owes Sanders an apology. A real apology, not one of them fake ones where you just say “sorry” but don’t mean it. He needs to own up to what he said and make things right. And Sanders, well, he needs to keep his cool. Don’t let that fella get to him. Just focus on winnin’ them football games and makin’ his mama proud. That’s what matters most.
And as for the rest of us, we should just sit back, enjoy the show, and hope them fellas can figure things out. Maybe they’ll even learn a lesson or two along the way. Like, don’t talk about nobody’s mama. And don’t wear sunglasses indoors unless you’re tryin’ to hide somethin’, which, let’s be honest, is probably not the case. Just play the game and be respectful. That’s all we ask.

And that’s all I gotta say about that. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go feed my chickens. They’re gettin’ mighty restless.
Tags: [Deion Sanders, Jay Norvell, Colorado Football, College Football, Trash Talk, Rivalry, Mama, Respect]