That CM Punk, he’s a wrestler, you know? Big guy, lots of tattoos. He ain’t got no kids, not a one. I heard he’s married to some gal, AJ Mendez. She was a wrestler too, I reckon. They live in Chicago, that windy city. But nope, no little ones running around.

I keep hearin’ folks say this and that about him havin’ a daughter. Just gossip, I tell ya! They say some young girls call him “dad”, but it’s all just fun and games. These young’uns, Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade, they are wrestlers too. They joke around, callin’ CM Punk their daddy. Silly, ain’t it? But he’s not their real daddy.
He was born in Chicago, CM Punk was. Back in ’78, I think. He ain’t no spring chicken anymore. Been a wrestler for a long time. He’s been on that WWE, and some other one, AEW. He’s a big shot, I guess. Makes good money. But still, no babies.
- He got married in 2014, I heard.
- To that AJ Mendez gal.
- They live in Chicago.
- No kids for them.
People like to talk, you know? They see him with those young wrestler girls, and they start making things up. “Oh, CM Punk’s daughter this, CM Punk’s daughter that.” But it ain’t true! He’s just friendly with them, I suppose. They work together, you see. Wrestling, it’s like a big family, in a way. But not a real family, not like blood.
Maybe someday he’ll have kids, who knows? He says he wants them, I read that somewhere. But right now, in 2024, he ain’t got none. Just him and his wife, living in that big city.
He keeps his life private, that CM Punk. You don’t hear much about his family, his mama and daddy, or his brothers and sisters. Just that he’s from Chicago. And that he’s a wrestler. And that he ain’t got no daughter.

These young people and their social media. He posted a picture with those two girls, Cora Jade and Roxanne, and called it a “father-daughter day”. Just foolin’ around, I reckon. Trying to get a rise out of people. And it worked, didn’t it? Everyone’s talkin’ about CM Punk’s daughter again.
Heck, I even saw something about Thanksgiving with him and some other family, the Steiners. Folks saying it would either be real quiet, or a big ol’ fight. I don’t know nothin’ about that, but it sure sounds interestin’. Maybe CM Punk don’t like one of ’em, this Rick fella. Or maybe he likes him too much, who knows!
But one thing’s for sure, CM Punk ain’t got no kids. Not yet, anyway. Maybe someday. But for now, it’s just him and his wife. And those two young wrestler girls who like to call him “dad” for fun.
So next time you hear someone sayin’ something about CM Punk’s daughter, you just tell ’em what I told you. It ain’t true! That old lady, she knows what she’s talkin’ about. I heard it straight from the horse’s mouth, you could say. He ain’t got no kids. Case closed.

I don’t know why folks gotta make up stories. Maybe they’re just bored. Or maybe they just like to stir the pot. But it ain’t right, spreading lies like that. Especially about someone like CM Punk, who seems like a decent enough fella, even if he is a wrestler.
So there you have it. The truth about CM Punk and his so-called daughter. Don’t you go spreadin’ no more rumors now, you hear? Just stick to the facts. And the fact is, CM Punk ain’t got no kids. At least not right now he don’t. And if he does someday, you can be sure you’ll hear about it from me first! I always got my ear to the ground, you know. Always listenin’ for the latest gossip.