Alright, guys, so I’ve been diving deep into Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak lately, and let me tell you, the grind for decorations is REAL. Today, I wanted to share my experience specifically hunting for the elusive Expert Jewel 4, because oh boy, was it a journey.

I started out, like most people I guess, just kinda doing random quests, hoping it would drop. Yeah, that didn’t work. Zero Expert Jewel 4s. Lots of other stuff, but not what I needed. So, I did what any sane person would do: I hit the internet.
After some digging through forums and videos, I found a few quests that people were swearing by. I’m going to share those for other hunters.
- The most popular one, and I tired is, I tested advanced quests.
- The second one, I tested is anomaly investigations.
I spent the next few days, and I’m not exaggerating, days, just grinding those. The process was simple, boring, but simple:
My Grinding Process
- Pick the quest. The one I tried is advanced quests.
- Eat for boosts. I always went for the dango that increased rewards, because why not? More stuff, even if it’s not the stuff, is still good, right?
- Hunt! Pretty straightforward, just gotta be efficient. I got my clear times down pretty low after a while, which helped a lot.
- Pray to the RNG gods. Seriously, this is like 90% of it. You just gotta hope you get lucky.
- Repeat. Over and over and over again.
I farmed these quests constantly. Killed the monsters. Got some decent rewards. But still…no Expert Jewel 4. I started to lose hope, to be honest. I was starting to think it was a myth, a legend whispered among hunters to keep them going.
Then, FINALLY, it happened. I was on, like, my 50th run I tested advanced quests, not even really paying attention anymore, just going through the motions. And boom. There it was, in the reward screen. The Expert Jewel 4. I almost screamed. My wife thought I was crazy.

So, yeah, that’s my story. It was a long, tedious grind, but I finally got it. My advice? Be persistent. Pick a quest you can clear fast and consistently, and just keep at it. And most importantly, don’t give up! The RNG gods might be cruel, but they eventually smile upon you. Good luck, fellow hunters! You’re gonna need it.