Well now, if yer sittin’ there scratchin’ yer head wonderin’ what “fan attribute” means in a crossword, let me tell ya, it’s a bit tricky, but don’t worry, I’ll try to make it simple for ya. I’ve seen a lotta folks get stuck on these clues, especially when they don’t make much sense at first. But once ya get the hang of it, it ain’t so bad!

Now, “fan attribute” in a crossword puzzle is one of them clues that makes ya think, “What in the world is that supposed to mean?” But don’t fret! It’s just another way of sayin’ somethin’ about a fan. And I’m not talkin’ about the kind of fan ya use in the summertime when it’s hot—no, no! I’m talkin’ about the kinda fan that’s, well, a bit more fancy. This could mean the qualities or characteristics that a fan has, like the way it blows air, or even the kind of fan ya are—ya know, someone who supports somethin’ like a sports team or a celebrity.
So, when you see that “fan attribute” clue in a crossword, you might be lookin’ for a word like “loyalty,” or “enthusiasm.” Y’see, a fan shows loyalty to somethin’, or they got that enthusiasm that drives ‘em to keep comin’ back. Now, them words ain’t always the right answer, but they sure give ya a good idea of what direction to go in when you’re sittin’ there workin’ on yer puzzle.
Now, here’s the thing with crosswords. Sometimes them clues can be a little sneaky, and they don’t always make it easy for ya to guess the right answer. Take for example the crossword I was workin’ on the other day—it had that “fan attribute” clue, and I was thinkin’ about fans, and what makes ’em tick. I was thinkin’ about sports fans, or music fans, or maybe even them folks who like to follow the weather closely. But in the end, the answer was somethin’ like “fervor,” which means a strong, intense feeling. Fervor is the kind of thing a fan shows when they’re all fired up about somethin’ they love!
In crosswords, there’s always a lotta different ways they can ask the same thing. For example, sometimes they might ask for a “fan” in a different way, like “admirer” or “follower.” Or sometimes they get tricky and ask for “attribute”—but really, they just mean a feature or quality, somethin’ that describes the fan or what they do. Ya see, it all comes down to context. Crosswords ain’t just about knowin’ the words, it’s about readin’ between the lines too. Ain’t that the truth, huh?
If you ever get stuck on one of them crossword clues, don’t ya worry. Just take a step back and think about what the word really means. If it’s an “attribute” of a fan, it’s probably somethin’ like their loyalty, their excitement, or their passion. These are the things that make someone a true fan, right? Once ya get that in yer head, the puzzle pieces start to fall into place.

So, there you have it. If yer workin’ on a crossword and ya get stumped by a “fan attribute” clue, just think about what makes a fan tick. Whether it’s enthusiasm, fervor, loyalty, or even admiration, you’re likely gonna find the right answer if ya take a moment to really think about it. Good luck, and don’t be afraid to tackle the puzzle head on!
Tags:[fan, crossword, attribute, puzzle, LA Times, answers, solutions, clues]