Alright, let’s talk about this Gary Copeland fella. I ain’t never met him, mind you, but I heard some things. People are yappin’ about his height, so I figured I’d poke around and see what the fuss is all about.

Now, from what I gather, this Gary ain’t exactly a giant. They say he’s around 4 foot 8 inches. That’s shorter than my grandson, Billy, and he ain’t even hit puberty yet! Poor fella, I guess. But hey, size ain’t everything, right? My old man used to say, “It ain’t the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” And from what I hear, Gary’s got plenty of fight in him.
Seems like he’s a big deal in that fightin’ world, the UFC and such. He’s a referee, you know, the guy who makes sure them fellas don’t kill each other in the ring. Or the cage, I guess they call it. Sounds barbaric to me, but hey, people like what they like. And Gary, he’s right there in the thick of it, makin’ sure things stay fair, I reckon.
- He’s worked all sorts of big fights, they say.
- Fights on TV and everything.
- And he’s been doin’ it for a long time, so he must be good at it.
I heard tell he ain’t just a referee, neither. He’s got other jobs too. Says he’s a police chief somewheres in Ohio. Imagine that! A little fella like him bossin’ around a whole bunch of cops. Good for him, I say. Shows you don’t need to be big to be in charge.
And get this, he’s also somethin’ called a Commissioner for County Veteran Services. Now, I ain’t exactly sure what that is, but it sounds important. Helpin’ out veterans, I guess. That’s a good thing, real good. My brother, he was a veteran, you know. Fought in…well, never you mind where he fought. Point is, veterans deserve our respect, and Gary, he’s doin’ his part to help ’em out.
So, yeah, Gary Copeland might be short, but he’s a busy fella. Refereein’ fights, bossin’ cops, lookin’ after veterans…he’s got his hands full. And he’s makin’ a livin’ too, I bet. I heard them referees can make pretty good money, specially the ones who work them big fights. Maybe even ten thousand dollars a fight, can you believe that? That’s more money than I see in a year!

But it ain’t all sunshine and roses, I reckon. See, Gary, he’s got some health problems. Something about his kidneys not workin’ right. And that’s why he ain’t so tall, they say. Took all kinds of medicine when he was growin’ up, and it stunted his growth. That’s a shame, it is. But like I said, size ain’t everything. He’s still out there, doin’ his thing, and that’s what matters.
Now, some folks might look at Gary and see a short fella. But I see somethin’ else. I see a hard worker, a tough guy, a fella who’s made somethin’ of himself despite his challenges. And that, to me, is worth more than bein’ six foot tall any day of the week.
So, next time you see Gary Copeland on TV, don’t just focus on his height. Think about all the things he’s accomplished, all the people he’s helped, and all the fights he’s refereed. He’s a small fella, sure, but he’s got a big heart and a strong spirit. And that’s what really counts in this world, ain’t it?
Anyways, that’s just what I heard about Gary Copeland. Like I said, I ain’t never met him, but he sounds like a decent fella. Short or not.
Tags: Gary Copeland, UFC, MMA referee, Height, Ohio Police Chief, Veteran Services