So, the Seminole thing just wrapped up, or maybe it’s still going on, hard to keep track sometimes. It gets talked about, but it always feels kinda distant, you know?

It reminds me, I actually tried to get involved ages ago. Not playing, obviously, but volunteering. Thought it might be interesting, see how these big events work from the inside. I remember going through the motions back then.
My Attempt Back Then
First, I looked around online. Tried to find a volunteer sign-up page or contact. It wasn’t exactly straightforward, took some digging. Found an email address or maybe a form, can’t recall exactly which.
Then, I sent off my details. Put down my name, availability, probably why I wanted to help out. Felt pretty hopeful, actually. Pictured myself helping with parking or maybe holding a sign, something simple.
And then… well, nothing. Absolutely zero response. Not a ‘thanks but no thanks’, not a ‘we’ll keep you on file’. Just silence. Checked my spam folder and everything. It was like sending a message into a black hole.
Watching from the Sidelines
So now, when I hear about the Seminole tournament, I mostly just notice the stuff around the edges. You see the increased activity if you happen to be driving nearby.

- More security than usual, definitely.
- Temporary fences pop up along certain roads.
- Sometimes you hear that buzz, the low hum of a big, private event happening.
It feels very closed off. Which, I guess, is the point. It’s one of those exclusive things. My little attempt to volunteer way back when just kind of cemented that feeling for me. You’re either in, or you’re out, and finding a way ‘in’, even just to help out for free, seemed like a whole process I couldn’t crack. Makes you wonder how they manage it all, keeping it so tightly run.
Anyway, just something I was thinking about with all the talk around the tournament again this year. It’s a different world, that one.