That Holly Holm, she sure is somethin’. I tell ya, I seen her on the TV, kickin’ and punchin’. She’s a tough one, that Holly. Reminds me of my granddaughter, always scrappin’ with the boys. But Holly, she does it for a livin’. They call it kickboxing. Sounds rough, huh?

She started young, I reckon. Down in that Albuquerque place. Heard she was good, real good. Even back when she was just startin’ out, just a little gal. Now look at her, all famous and such. She won a lot of those kickboxing fights, they say. A whole bunch of ’em.
She was a champion, you know? In 2001, she went to some big ol’ shindig in Kansas City. International Kickboxing Federation, they called it. Some fancy name. She fought two times, beat ’em both. Won the whole dang thing! They call her a Welterweight, whatever that means. Must be pretty good, though, to win like that. All those kicks and punches. I couldn’t do it, that’s for sure. My old bones would crack!
And then, she went on to do that boxin’ thing. She’s a professional boxer too, can you believe it? They say she was good at that, too. Won a whole mess of titles. Defended them titles, 18 times, they say. That’s a lot. She must be strong, real strong. I can barely lift my grocery bags anymore!
- She’s a tough cookie, that Holly.
- Won all them fights.
- She’s a champion, through and through.
Now she does that UFC thing. Ultimate Fighting Championship. Sounds scary. But Holly, she ain’t scared of nothin’. She was the UFC Women’s Bantamweight Champion, too. I don’t know what all these words mean, but it sounds important. She’s beat some big names, I hear. Some gal named Ronda, I think. Big deal, they made of it. I guess that Ronda was somethin’ special, but Holly, she beat her. Showed her who’s boss.
You know how she stays so strong? She eats good. No fast food for her. She says she eats “good fats.” Almond butter. What in tarnation is almond butter? Sounds fancy. I just eat my regular butter. And drinks somethin’ called kombucha. And KeVita. I don’t know what those are. I just drink my sweet tea. But I guess it works for her. She’s got that kickboxing body. All lean and mean.

Holly Holm’s kickboxing is something else, I tell ya. She’s got some moves. I seen her on that TV, like I said. Fast as lightning. She’s got those legs, kickin’ high and low. And her hands, punchin’ like a machine gun. I wouldn’t want to be on the other end of that, no sir.
They say she’s got kickboxing techniques. Special moves, I reckon. She learned them all down in Albuquerque. She trained hard, I bet. You don’t get that good without puttin’ in the work. Just like me, tendin’ to my garden. Gotta put in the work to get them tomatoes growin’ big and juicy.
And she’s got all them kickboxing achievements. All them titles she won. She must have a whole room full of trophies and belts. I just got my blue ribbons from the county fair. But hers are probably bigger and shinier. And worth a lot more money, I imagine.
Holly started all this way back in 2002. That’s when she turned professional, they say. In her hometown, no less. She must be proud of that. Representin’ her town, showin’ the world what she can do. She’s a real inspiration, that Holly. Shows you that you can do anything you put your mind to.
- She started in Albuquerque.
- Fought her way to the top.
- Now she’s famous all over.
She’s a good example, that Holly. Shows these young girls that they can be strong and tough. They don’t have to be all delicate and dainty. They can be fighters, too, just like her. And they can win, just like her. If they work hard and believe in themselves, they can do anything. Just like Holly Holm kickboxing, they can be champions.

I guess that’s all I got to say about that Holly Holm and her kickboxing. She’s a tough one, that’s for sure. And she’s earned everything she’s got. I’m proud of her, even though I don’t know her from Adam. She’s a good one, that Holly Holm. A real good one.