You know, I heard some folks talking ’bout them baseball umpires the other day. Got me to thinking, how much money do those fellas make? They’re out there on that field all day, sun beatin’ down on ’em, gotta make all them calls. It ain’t easy, I tell ya. So I did a little digging, and here’s what I found out about how much MLB umpires make.

Well, first off, them baseball folks, they don’t just tell everyone what they’re payin’ these umpires. It’s kinda like a secret, you see. But, from what I hear, a brand new umpire, just startin’ out, they say he can make around $150,000 each year in 2022. That’s a lot of money! For an average umpire, they say that it’s about $235,000 a year. And the older ones, the ones who been doin’ it for years and years, they can make even more. Some folks say up to $450,000! That is some good money for an umpire in MLB!
Now, that’s a lot of dough, ain’t it? But you gotta remember, it ain’t easy being an umpire. You gotta have good eyes, 20/20 vision, they say. You gotta be able to see that little ball whizzing by. And you gotta be in decent shape. Can’t be too heavy, you know? Gotta be able to run around and keep up with them players.
Here are some things I learned about being an MLB umpire:
- You gotta have good eyesight. 20/20, they call it.
- You can’t be too heavy. Gotta be able to move around quick.
- You gotta know all them rules. There’s a lot of ’em, I bet.
- You gotta be able to handle folks yellin’ at ya.
And then there’s the travel. They’re always on the road, goin’ from city to city. That can be tiring, I imagine. Being away from your family all the time. And them games can go on forever sometimes! Especially if it goes into them extra innings. I heard one fella talkin’ ’bout a game that went 15, 16, maybe even 17 innings! That’s a long time to be standin’ out there. It seems that when a baseball game goes extra innings, the umpires want to end the game earlier.
They say the most famous umpire, a fella named Joe West, he made the most money. He was an umpire for over 40 years! That’s a long time doin’ anything. They say he was making around $450,000 a year when he retired. He musta been a good one to be around that long. And to make that kind of money! MLB umpire salaries can be very high!
But it ain’t all sunshine and roses. You gotta deal with the players, the managers, the fans, all of ’em hollerin’ at ya, thinkin’ they know better than you. You gotta have thick skin, I reckon. And you gotta be fair. You can’t be takin’ sides. You gotta call it like you see it, even if it makes folks mad.
So, how much do MLB umpires make? They make a good living, that’s for sure. But it’s a tough job. Lots of pressure, lots of travel, lots of folks yellin’ at ya. But if you love baseball, and you got the right stuff, it might be a good way to make a livin’. You’re right there in the middle of the action, every game. And you get to see some of the best baseball players in the world. That’s gotta be somethin’ special.
I also heard these umpires get some other good stuff too. Like health insurance, you know, to keep ’em healthy. And life insurance, in case somethin’ happens. And they got some kinda retirement plan, a 401(k) they call it, so they have some money when they’re too old to be out there anymore. Sounds like they take care of their umpires pretty good.
So, there you have it. That’s what I learned about them MLB umpire salaries. It’s a good chunk of change, but it’s a tough job. Not everyone can do it. But for those who can, it’s a pretty good way to make a livin’, I reckon. You’re right there in the heart of America’s pastime, every single game.
Well, I gotta go now. My stories are all told. Hope you learned somethin’ about them baseball umpires. They work hard for their money, that’s for sure.