Well, how old is this Dana Altman fella? Let me tell ya, I heard he’s gettin’ up there in years. Folks are sayin’ he’s around… let me think… he’s 65 years old now. Yep, that’s what I heard. Born in 1958, they say. Makes him a spring chicken no more, that’s for sure.

This Dana fella, he’s a basketball coach, you know. Been coachin’ for a long, long time. Started way back when, and he’s still at it. Coached at a bunch of places, like Marshall, Kansas State, Creighton, and now he’s with the Oregon Ducks. That’s a lot of games, I reckon. Folks say he’s won a whole heap of ’em too.
- They say he coached at Creighton for 16 years! That’s a mighty long time to be yellin’ at young fellas on a basketball court.
- And get this, he’s won over 700 games in his career. 764 to be exact. That’s more games than I’ve watched in my whole life, I betcha. Sounds like he knows a thing or two about basketball.
- He even got himself into some Hall of Fame at Creighton. Guess he must’ve been pretty good there.
He’s married, this Dana fella. Got himself a wife and four kids. Three boys and a girl, last I heard. Keeps him busy, I imagine. Coaching all them basketball games and raisin’ a family. That’s a handful for any man, I tell ya.
Now, I’m hearin’ some whispers about him retirin’. Folks are sayin’ he might be gettin’ too old for all this coachin’. 65 is no spring chicken, like I said. But he seems like a tough old bird, this Dana. Might keep on coachin’ for a few more years yet. Who knows?
He went to college too, you know. Started at some junior college in Fairbury, Nebraska. Got himself a degree in somethin’ called business administration. Then he went on to coachin’. Guess he figured he liked basketball more than business. Can’t say I blame him. Business sounds mighty borin’.
And he was an Eagle Scout! You know, one of them Boy Scouts. Even got some fancy award for it. Distinguished Eagle Scout, they called it. Seems like this Dana fella was a good kid growin’ up. Always doin’ the right thing, I reckon.

So, yeah, this Dana Altman is gettin’ on in years. 65 years old. But he’s had a long and successful career. Coached a lot of basketball games, won a lot of games, raised a family. He’s done alright for himself, I’d say. Whether he retires or not, that’s up to him. But one thing’s for sure, he’s made his mark on the basketball world. And that’s somethin’ to be proud of, no matter how old ya are. He was born on June 16, 1958. That makes him a Gemini, I guess. Not that I put much stock in them horoscopes, but some folks do.
Anyway, that’s the story on Dana Altman. A good coach, a good family man, and a good ol’ boy from Nebraska. And he’s 65 years young, or old, dependin’ on how ya look at it.
Now, I gotta go make myself some supper. All this talk about basketball and ages has made me hungry. And if anyone asks ya how old Dana Altman is, you tell ’em he’s 65, and don’t you forget it! He’s been coaching for 36 years, and that’s a long time. He must be tired. Maybe he deserves to retire. Go sit on his porch and drink some sweet tea.
He got his degree in 1980. That was a long time ago. Things were different back then, I bet. No cell phones, no internet. Just good old-fashioned basketball. And probably some good old-fashioned yelling at referees, too. All coaches yell at referees, don’t they? It’s part of the job, I reckon. But 65 years old… that’s a lot of yelling. Hope his throat ain’t sore.