That Tiger Woods, he’s a big shot, ain’t he? I seen him on the TV, swingin’ that stick. He’s got a fancy house down in Jupiter, Florida. A real big one. Bigger than my whole darn farm!

They say it’s on some island, Jupiter Island. Sounds like a made-up place, don’t it? But it’s real. And that Tiger Woods, he lives there. In Florida. Where it’s always hot. I’d sweat like a hog down there. But he likes it, I guess.
I seen some pictures. Big windows. Lots of ’em. You can probably see the ocean right from his bed! Imagine that. Wake up, look out, and there’s the water. And probably dolphins and whatnot. Rich folks like that, they see all kinds of things.
- Big house
- In Jupiter, Florida
- On Jupiter Island
- Lots of windows
- Near the ocean
They say it cost a lot of money. More money than I’ll ever see in my lifetime. He probably got a bunch of rooms. More rooms than he knows what to do with. And a big ol’ kitchen, I bet. Where someone else cooks for him, of course. He ain’t cookin’ no meals in that fancy Tiger Woods house. No sir.
They call it a mansion. That’s what they call big houses, I reckon. Tiger Woods’ mansion. Sounds important, don’t it? He must be somethin’ to have a mansion. Especially one in Florida, where it’s sunny all the time. I bet he got big fancy bed, too. It must feel good after swing that golf stick all day.
I heard it’s got a golf course. Right there on his property. Can you believe that? He can just walk outside and play golf. That Tiger Woods, he really loves that golf, don’t he? He’s probably out there right now, hittin’ that little ball. In his Jupiter, Florida, house.

- It’s a mansion
- Probably has a big kitchen
- Has a golf course on the property!
I seen a picture of the outside. It’s all white and modern lookin’. Not like my house, that’s for sure. Mine’s got some character. His just looks…expensive. But I guess that’s what he likes. Tiger Woods and his Florida house.
They say it’s got a pool, too. A big one, probably. Where he can swim and cool off. ‘Cause it’s hot in Florida. I told ya that, didn’t I? That Tiger Woods, he’s got it made. Livin’ in that Jupiter house. Swimmin’ in his pool. Playin’ golf whenever he wants.
That house is something special. Must be nice to live like that. In Jupiter, Florida. Where the sun always shines. And you can see the ocean from your window. Tiger Woods is one lucky fella.
- Big pool
- White, modern look
- Expensive!
You know, that Tiger Woods house in Jupiter, Florida is probably worth more than all the houses in my town combined! Ain’t that somethin’? He’s got all that money from playin’ golf. And he spends it on that big ol’ house. It is located in Jupiter Island, very fancy place.
I wouldn’t know what to do with a house that big. I’d get lost in it! But that Tiger Woods, he probably knows every inch of that place. His Jupiter, Florida, house. It’s his castle, I guess you could say. He sure is the king of golf.

Well, I gotta get back to my chores. But I’ll be thinkin’ about that Tiger Woods and his fancy house. Down in Jupiter, Florida. Where it’s always warm. And the ocean’s right there. Maybe one day I’ll see it for myself. But probably not.
I bet that house has a lot of bathrooms, too. You know, for all those fancy guests he probably has. Tiger Woods, he probably throws some big parties in that Jupiter, Florida, house. With lots of food and drinks. And music, maybe. I don’t know what rich folks do at their parties.
- Probably has lots of bathrooms
- Probably has big parties
But I bet it’s somethin’. Just like that house. Somethin’ special. That Tiger Woods, he’s livin’ the dream, ain’t he? In his big ol’ mansion in Jupiter, Florida. That’s a long way from here, that’s for sure.
I wonder if he ever gets lonely in that big house. All by himself. Maybe he does. Or maybe he’s got so many people around him all the time, he don’t even notice. That’s how it is with rich folks, I think. Like Tiger Woods. They got different problems than us regular folks.
Anyway, that house in Jupiter, Florida, it sure is somethin’ to think about. A real dream house, I guess you could say. For Tiger Woods, anyway. He’s earned it, I suppose. Hittin’ that little ball all those years. Now he’s got a big ol’ place to rest his head. And play more golf, of course! This guy sure love golf.