Alright, so y’all wanna know about this Ben Shelton fella and his girlfriend, huh? Let me tell ya, I ain’t no expert on these fancy tennis folks or whatever, but I can piece together what I’ve heard. It’s like tryin’ to make a quilt outta scraps, ya know?

First off, this Ben, he’s a tennis player, a pretty good one from what they say. Made himself a good bit of money too, couple of millions I heard. That’s a lot of dough, enough to buy a whole lotta chickens! But money ain’t everything, that’s for sure.
Now, about this girlfriend… her name is Anna Hall, or at least it *was* Anna Hall. They was together for a spell, maybe a year and a half, somethin’ like that. Started datin’ back in 2021, I reckon. Kids these days, they put everything on that “Insta-gram,” that’s how folks found out. Anna even put up a video of them two goin’ to Naples, Florida. Sounded nice.
Anna, she ain’t no slouch neither. She’s one of them athletes too, does somethin’ called the “heptathlon.” Sounds complicated, like one of them city folks’ recipes with too many ingredients. But she’s good at it, real good, even went to the Olympics. Good for her, I say.
- Ben Shelton – tennis player
- Anna Hall – heptathlete, Olympic athlete
- Relationship started around November 2021
- Broke up sometime after early 2023
Anyways, they seemed happy enough, always smilin’ in them pictures. But these young folks, they change their minds quicker than a rooster crows. Somewhere along the line, things went sour. Ain’t nobody’s business why, I guess. Just happens sometimes, like a crop failin’ despite all your hard work.
Now they say Ben’s single, and Anna, she’s moved on too. Heard she’s with some fella named Joejuan Williams now. Good for her, findin’ happiness wherever she can. Life’s too short to be mopin’ around, that’s what I always say.

So, how long were they together? Like I said, about a year and a half. They kept things pretty private, didn’t blabber all their business to the whole world. Just shared a few cute pictures here and there. That’s how it should be, I think. Some things are best kept close to the vest, like a good recipe for apple pie.
Folks is always askin’ about these celebrity types and their love lives. I don’t get it myself. They’re just people, like me and you. They fall in love, they fall out of love, they eat, they sleep, they go to the bathroom just like everybody else. Makes ya wonder why folks make such a fuss.
Anyways, that’s the long and short of it. Ben and Anna, they were together, now they ain’t. He plays tennis, she does that heptathlon thing, and they both moved on. Life goes on, like a river flowin’ to the sea. Nothin’ stays the same forever, and that’s just the way it is. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go check on my biscuits.
One thing I almost forgot to mention, these young’ns never really said when they started seein’ each other for sure. Just popped up on that Insta-thingy in November of 2021 all cozy like. Then somewhere after early 2023, poof! Gone. Like a puff of smoke on a windy day. Makes you wonder what all happened in between, but like I said before, some things ain’t for us old hens to know.
So there ya have it. That’s all I know about Ben Shelton and his girlfriend… or I guess I should say, his *ex*-girlfriend. Hope that clears things up for ya. Now go on, git outta here and let me get back to my business.

Tags: Ben Shelton, Anna Hall, Relationship, Break Up, Tennis, Heptathlon, Athlete, Celebrity, Dating