Alright, let’s talk about this Jessica Kresa gal. I ain’t no fancy writer or nothin’, just tellin’ it like it is. So, this Jessica, she’s a rassler, you know, like those folks on TV grunting and slamming each other around. Seems she goes by ODB sometimes too. Don’t ask me what that means, sounds like somethin’ you’d yell when you stub your toe.

Now, from what I hear, she started this rasslin’ thing back in 2006, down in Ohio Valley Wrestling. Lost her first match to some gal named Daisy Mae. Lost the second one too! Guess everybody gotta start somewhere, right? Even the best of ’em probably tripped over their own feet a time or two in the beginning.
Jessica Kresa, yeah that’s her real name I reckon. Born in 1978, makes her… well, never you mind how old she is. It ain’t polite to talk about a lady’s age. But she’s been around the block, that’s for sure. Not just rasslin’ either. Heard she’s a bartender too. Probably seen her fair share of drunks and fights, that’s for sure. Maybe that’s where she learned some of them rasslin’ moves!
She ain’t just some small-time rassler neither. This Jessica, she’s been on Ring of Honor Wrestling. That’s a big deal, from what my grandkids tell me. They watch that stuff all the time. Yellin’ and cheerin’ at the TV, like those rasslers can hear ’em or somethin’. Silly kids.
They say she’s pretty tough, this Jessica. I bet she is. You don’t get into rasslin’ if you’re a scaredy-cat, that’s for sure. Takes guts to get in that ring and let somebody throw you around. And she ain’t just fightin’ other gals, I hear. Sometimes she’s even a referee! Keepin’ them other rasslers in line. That’s a tough job, I tell ya. Like herdin’ chickens, only these chickens are bigger and meaner.
- Born: June 6, 1978
- Occupation: Professional Wrestler, Referee, Bartender
- Also known as: ODB
I saw some pictures of her online, with the help of my grandson of course, I don’t know how to use those fancy computer things. She looks strong, like she could lift a bale of hay no problem. And she’s got that look in her eye, you know, like she ain’t afraid of nothin’. Reminds me of my old mule, stubborn as a rock and twice as tough.

They even got videos of her fights online. My grandson showed me one. It was somethin’ else, let me tell ya. People flippin’ around, slammin’ into the mat, all that jazz. And the crowd, they was goin’ wild! Cheerin’ and booin’, just like they do at the county fair when them prize-winning pigs come out.
This whole “Ultimate Fighting” thing, they call it MMA or somethin’, seems like Jessica Kresa is part of that world too. I don’t know much about it, sounds rough though. All that punchin’ and kickin’ and grapplin’. Seems like a young person’s game to me. I reckon you gotta be in real good shape to do that kinda stuff. Probably spend half your life in the gym, liftin’ weights and whatnot.
I also saw somethin’ about a fight she had with someone named Kobold at something called ROF 9. Don’t ask me what that is. Again, my grandson knows more than me. It seems these youngsters keep up with all this fancy names and codes. Back in my day, a fight was a fight, and you didn’t need no fancy names for it. But anyway, they got videos of that fight too, if you’re into that kinda thing. I ain’t watchin’ it though. Seen enough fightin’ in my life, thank you very much.
So, that’s about all I know about Jessica Kresa, also known as ODB. She’s a rassler, a referee, a bartender, and a tough cookie, from what I can gather. And she’s been doin’ it for a while now. Guess she’s pretty good at it, seein’ as how she’s still around. More power to her, I say. It ain’t easy makin’ a livin’ in this world, no matter what you do. So if you wanna go around grapplin’ people for a living, well that’s just fine by me.
Jessica Kresa’s been gettin’ some attention, that’s for sure. People seem to like watchin’ her rassle, or maybe they just like watchin’ people get slammed around. Either way, she’s made a name for herself in that world. And that ain’t nothin’ to sneeze at, I reckon.

And like I said at the start, that’s just what I’ve gathered from here and there. I ain’t no expert or nothin’, just sharin’ what I know. You wanna know more, you go look it up yourself. I’m sure there’s plenty of information about Jessica Kresa out there, if you know where to look. Just ask one of them youngsters, they know how to use them computer things.
Tags: [Jessica Kresa, ODB, Professional Wrestler, Referee, Bartender, Ring of Honor Wrestling, MMA, ROF 9, Kobold, Women Wrestlers, Wrestling Career]