Alright, alright, let’s talk about this… this… Khabib in bath thing, you know? I saw some pictures, heard some folks yappin’ about it.

Now, I ain’t no fancy city gal, I’m just a plain ol’ woman. But even I can see this Khabib fella, he’s a big deal. Folks keep talkin’ ’bout him, showin’ pictures. He’s strong, like them fellas who used to work the fields back in my day, only… different. They say he wrestles. Wrestled a bear, they say! Can you believe that? A bear! When he was just a little tyke, too. My grandpappy used to tell stories ’bout wrasslin’ chickens, but a bear? That’s somethin’ else.
Anyways, this here bath picture thing… people are makin’ a big fuss. Seems like he was in one of them hot tubs, you know, like them rich folks have. Not like the tin tub we used to use on Saturdays, no sir. This one’s fancy. And he ain’t alone, mind you. Got other fellas with him. Athletes, they call ’em. Friends, too, I reckon. Just a bunch of fellas soakin’ in hot water. Don’t see nothin’ wrong with that, myself. After a long day of… whatever it is they do, wrestlin’ or… punchin’ each other maybe, a hot bath sounds mighty nice.
- So, first off, people were sayin’ the picture ain’t real. Like it’s one of them fake things them city folks make with their computers. But then, someone else said, no, it’s real. Real as the dirt on my boots. Apparently, it got spread all over the… the internet, they call it. Faster than gossip at a church picnic, that’s for sure.
- Then there’s this other fella, “Borrachinha” they call him. Seems like he was makin’ fun of Khabib. Posted the picture and… poked fun, I guess. Like kids do in the schoolyard, only all grown up and on this… internet thing. Don’t get it myself, but that’s what the young’uns told me.
Some folks got all riled up ’bout it, though. Seems like whatever this Khabib fella says or does, folks got an opinion. They talk about his trainin’, you know, where he grew up, all that stuff. Dagestan, they call it. Sounds like a faraway place. Cold, maybe. Like where my cousin used to live up north. They say he learned to fight there. Started young, just like I said, with the bear and all. His daddy taught him, apparently. Good for him, I say. A boy needs a good father to teach him things.
And then there’s talk about these other fighters, the ones he trained with. They’re doin’ well, seems like. “Ruling the world” in some kinda fightin’ game. Lightweight, they call it. Don’t know what that means, but it sounds fancy. People are impressed, that’s for sure. They’re givin’ Khabib credit for teachin’ ’em. Like a good teacher in school, I guess, only instead of readin’ and writin’, they’re… punchin’ and grapplin’.
This Khabib fellow, he also got confused about bathrooms. Can you believe it? Bathrooms! Seems like they got these new bathrooms now, where men and women can use the same one. Heard tell of it on the radio once. Khabib, he didn’t understand it. Neither do I, if I’m bein’ honest. Men’s rooms are for men, women’s rooms are for women, that’s how it always been. That’s how it should be, I reckon.
And another time, folks were talkin’ ’bout how he noticed another fighter, Cain Velasquez. Celebrated him, they said. Seems like this Khabib fella, he pays attention to other folks. Respectful, maybe. That’s a good thing. My mama always said, respect goes a long way.
So, this whole Khabib in bath thing… I don’t see what the big deal is. It’s just a picture. A man in a tub. But I guess that’s how it is these days. Folks get worked up over nothin’. They talk and gossip and argue on that internet thing, instead of sittin’ on the porch and talkin’ face to face, like we used to. But, hey, that’s the world now. And Khabib, he’s part of it, seems like. Bear-wrestling, bath-takin’, and all.
Khabib Nurmagomedov’s pictures are everywhere, and the people love him, that’s what I know for sure. This lightweight MMA world champion has sure caught a lot of attention from just about everyone.