So, I was curious about where this YouTube guy, Logan Paul, lives. You know, the one who does all those crazy videos? I decided to find out.
First, I did some digging online. It’s not like I could just ask him, right? I mean, the guy’s a big deal. Anyway, I started to search on Google and found some stuff.
Apparently, he’s got a pretty sweet pad in Puerto Rico. This is what I heard, though, so don’t quote me on it. The place is in a spot called Dorado Beach East, some exclusive community. Sounds fancy, huh? They say it’s got five bedrooms and six-and-a-half bathrooms. I mean, who needs half a bathroom? But hey, when you’re Logan Paul, I guess you can have whatever you want.
But that’s not all. I also read somewhere that he used to live in California. Encino, to be exact. I found an old video where he talked about moving there with his roommate back in 2017. It sounded like a big deal for them at the time. Then there’s some talk that he’s a Christian, but not like, super religious or anything.
There was also something about his brother, Jake Paul, who is also a YouTuber and a boxer or something like that. He’s got a place in Puerto Rico, too. People call it Taj MaPaul. I guess they like making up names for their houses. It is like, $20 million dollars? It is luxurious.
The whole reason they moved to Puerto Rico was some stuff about taxes, like since 2011. It is all a bit complicated. But I guess if you can save a bunch of money by moving to a tropical island, why not, right?

So, that’s what I found out about where Logan Paul lives. It’s all pretty interesting when you start digging into the lives of these internet celebrities. They’re living the life, that’s for sure.