Well now, let me tell ya somethin’ about this here “import string dragonflight” thing. Don’t rightly know what all them fancy words mean, but I reckon it’s got somethin’ to do with them computer games the young’uns are always playin’. Heard tell it’s about makin’ your character strong, like gettin’ all the right skills and such.

What’s this “Talent” thingy? Sounds like somethin’ you’d see at a county fair, you know, like jugglin’ or singin’. But in this game, it’s about the stuff your character can do. Like, if you’re a fighter, maybe you get talents for hittin’ harder or swingin’ faster. If you’re a magic-user, maybe you get talents for makin’ bigger fireballs or healin’ folks better. Seems like you gotta pick the right ones to be good at the game.
Now, this “import and export” part, that’s where it gets a bit tricky. Sounds like a bunch of hooey to me, but from what I gather, you can save your talent choices, like writin’ ’em down on a piece of paper, only it’s in the computer. And then, you can share that with other folks, or use it again later if you wanna try somethin’ different. They call it a “loadout,” which I guess is just a fancy word for a set of talents.
This “dragonflight” part, I reckon that’s the name of the game, or maybe one of them add-ons they got. Sounds like a bunch of dragons flyin’ around, which is kinda neat, I guess. But you gotta be level 60 to even start playin’, which seems like a whole lotta work to me. And then you gotta get all the way up to level 70, which is even more work! Back in my day, we just worked hard on the farm, no need for all these levels and fancy games.
- Gettin’ Started: First, you gotta be level 60, like I said. Then you gotta find these “talent trees.” Sounds like a real mess, like a bunch of tangled branches. But you gotta pick your talents from them trees, like pickin’ apples or somethin’.
- Importin’ and Exportin’: Once you got your talents all picked out, you can save ’em as a “string.” That’s just a bunch of letters and numbers, like a secret code. You can copy that code and paste it somewhere else, or share it with your friends. And if you find a good code from someone else, you can import it and use their talents. Sounds like cheatin’ to me, but I guess that’s how they do things these days.
- Nokhudon Hold: This here place seems important. Folks say it’s a good spot to get experience and level up fast. You gotta team up with a friend who’s already strong and go beat up a bunch of monsters. Sounds dangerous to me, but I guess it’s worth it if you wanna get to level 70 quick.
- The Dracthyr: There’s also this new race of folks you can play as, called the Dracthyr. They look like dragons, kinda, which I guess is cool. And there’s a new class too, whatever that means. Seems like they’re always addin’ new stuff to these games, keepin’ the young’uns busy.
So, there you have it. That’s about all I know about this “import string dragonflight” thing. Sounds complicated to me, but I reckon if you’re young and got nothin’ better to do, it might be fun. Just remember, there’s more to life than sittin’ around playin’ video games. You gotta get out there, work hard, and enjoy the sunshine every once in a while.
Tips from Old Granny

Now, I don’t know much about this here “Dragonflight” thing, but I’ve seen enough critters and folks in my day to know a thing or two. Here’s some advice, even if it ain’t about no computer game.
- Pay Attention: Just like watchin’ where ya step in a muddy field, ya gotta pay attention to what’s happenin’ in the game. Read the instructions, even if they’re long and boring, and watch what other folks are doin’.
- Practice Makes Perfect: Nobody’s born knowin’ how to milk a cow or plow a field, and I reckon it’s the same with this game. Ya gotta practice to get better. Don’t get discouraged if ya mess up at first. Just keep tryin’.
- Share and Share Alike: If ya find a good way to do somethin’, share it with your friends. Help ’em out, and they’ll help you out. That’s just common sense, whether you’re in a game or out in the real world.
- Don’t Stay Up Too Late: Nothin’ good ever comes from stayin’ up all night playin’ games. Ya need your rest, or ya won’t be able to think straight. And a tired mind is a clumsy mind.
Now, I gotta go make some supper. All this talk about dragons and talents has made me hungry. Y’all take care now, and don’t forget to eat your vegetables.
Tags:WoW, Dragonflight, Talent, Loadout, Import, Export, Nokhudon Hold, Leveling, Dracthyr, Guide