Well, I heard some folks talkin’ ’bout this Layton Ulery name. Sounds like a heap of trouble, if you ask me. This young’un, seems like they got all mixed up, you know? One day they’re this, next day they’re that. Makes my head spin just thinkin’ about it.

Layton Ulery’s Trouble
They say this Layton Ulery, used to be called Hannah, or maybe it was Leighton? Lord have mercy, it’s hard to keep up. Seems like this child had a whole bunch of names, like a cat with nine lives, only it was nine names instead. Now they are suing some doctor people up in Rhode Island. They say this Layton went to the doctor, all confused and mixed up inside, and instead of helpin’ her sort things out in her head, they gave her some kind of medicine. They were calling it testosterone. That ain’t right, givin’ her man stuff. It’s like puttin’ diesel in a regular old pickup truck – just gonna mess everything up.
They said this Layton Ulery was all fractured and unstable, kinda like a broken fence after a bad storm. I think this kid just needed some good old-fashioned talkin’ to, maybe somebody to listen to her troubles, not fill her up with that testosterone stuff. It was like pourin’ salt in a wound. It’s like tryin’ to put out a fire with gasoline, just made things a whole lot worse.
- They said this Layton had some kind of multiple personality thing.
- She was fractured and unstable, they said.
- Doctors gave her the wrong medicine, and now she’s all messed up.
Now, this Layton Ulery, she’s suin’ those doctors. Says they messed her up real good. I reckon she’s got a right to be mad. They shoulda known better than to mess with nature like that. You can’t just go changin’ who you are like you change your clothes. It don’t work that way. It’s like trying to make a apple tree into a orange tree – it’s just not gonna happen. And if it does, it’ll be messed up bad.
Doctors and Medicine
These doctors, they think they know everything. They go to school for years and years, learnin’ out of them big fancy books, but they don’t know nothin’ about real life. They think they can just fix everything with a pill or a shot. But some things, you can’t fix that way. You gotta work on the inside, you know? Like when your garden’s not doin’ well, you don’t just pour chemicals on it. You gotta get down in the dirt, see what’s wrong with the soil, maybe add some good manure. It’s the same with people. Layton Ulery‘s problem was in her head, not in her body. They gave her testosterone, but that’s not gonna help her mental health.
They say this Layton Ulery was seein’ some kind of psychic or astrologist. Now, I don’t know much about that stuff, but it sounds like a bunch of hocus pocus to me. Maybe that’s where she got all these mixed-up ideas in the first place. If you ask me, she shoulda been talkin’ to a preacher or a counselor, somebody who could help her find her way back to the right path. Those people talking about her mental health, they just made things worse by filling her full of testosterone.

This World’s a Mess
This whole world’s gettin’ more and more mixed up every day. Folks don’t know who they are anymore. They’re changin’ their names, changin’ their bodies, tryin’ to be somethin’ they’re not. It’s all just a big mess, if you ask me. It was Thundermist Health in Rhode Island, she was suing. I hope Layton Ulery wins, those doctors were wrong to give her that testosterone. Back in my day, we didn’t have all this foolishness. You were born a boy or a girl, and that’s what you stayed. We didn’t need no fancy doctors or medicine to tell us who we were. We just knew. She was a lesbian from North Carolina, that’s what I heard, and she was real mad at those doctors. They messed up her mental health, filled her full of testosterone, and now she’s all mixed up.
I hope this Layton Ulery finds some peace. I really do. It ain’t easy bein’ young these days, with all this confusion goin’ around. But I hope she learns that you can’t change who you are on the outside. You gotta find peace on the inside first. You gotta be happy with who God made you to be. That’s the only way to find true happiness, I reckon.