Okay, guys, so I’ve been playing a lot of Pokemon Yellow lately, you know, just reliving my childhood. And I gotta say, it’s way harder than I remember! Anyway, I’ve been trying to figure out the best moveset for my Pikachu, and let me tell you, it’s been a journey.

First off, I spent hours grinding levels, getting my little buddy up to a decent level. I swear I fought a million Pidgeys and Rattatas in Viridian Forest. It was a slog, but hey, gotta get those levels, right?
Then came the real challenge: deciding on the moves. I knew I wanted Thunderbolt, obviously. It’s like, Pikachu’s signature move! The game throws it at you when your Pikachu hits level 26, which is awesome. No need to hunt for some rare TM, the game just hands it to you! So I replaced Thundershock with Thunderbolt right away. Boom, instant power boost!
Next, I figured Thunder Wave was a must-have. Paralyzing opponents is super helpful, especially against those speedy Pokemon. Plus, it’s another classic Electric move that just feels right for Pikachu. You know, that classic combo, Thunder Wave into a full-power Thunderbolt. Gets ’em every time.
But then I got stuck. What other moves should I teach him? I browsed through a bunch of online guides, and there were so many opinions! Some people said Body Slam, some said Focus Punch, it was all over the place.
I even considered teaching him some non-Electric moves, like, I don’t know, maybe Dig or something? But then it wouldn’t feel like a true Pikachu moveset, you know? I wanted to stick to his Electric roots.
After a lot of trial and error, I finally decided to go with Thunder as the last move. I know, I know, it’s not the most accurate move, but when it hits, it hits HARD. Plus, it just feels epic to unleash a massive Thunder attack.
I did some digging and found out about this move called Volt Tackle. Apparently, it’s super powerful, even stronger than Thunder, but Pikachu can only learn it in later games. Bummer! Would’ve been cool to try that out.
My Final Thoughts
So yeah, my Pikachu’s current moveset is Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, and Thunder. It’s not perfect, but it’s been working pretty well for me. I’m still open to suggestions though! What do you guys think? What’s your favorite Pikachu moveset in Pokemon Yellow?