Alright, let’s talk about this Roman Reigns fella and who his brother is. You know, that wrestling guy on TV. Always smirking, all tough and whatnot. Folks keep askin’ who his brother is, so I figured I’d spill the beans, the way I understand it.

So, who’s this Roman Reigns’ brother? Well, it was a fella named Matt Anoa’i, but he ain’t with us no more, bless his heart. They called him Rosey in the wrestling ring. Big fella, just like Roman. Died too young, they say. Heart somethin’ or other. Sad business, real sad. Heard tell he was a good man, though. Strong as an ox, like Roman.
Now, this wrestling family, it’s a big one, like one of them big ol’ oak trees with branches everywhere. Roman’s daddy, Sika, he was a wrestler too, with his brother. They called ’em the Wild Samoans. Tough guys, them Samoans. Real tough. So, Matt, he was Sika’s boy, and so is Roman. That makes ’em brothers, see?
- Matt Anoa’i (Rosey): Roman Reigns’ brother, passed away.
- Sika Anoa’i: Roman and Matt’s daddy, one of the Wild Samoans.
Folks get all confused with this wrestling stuff, all these names and who’s related to who. It’s like tryin’ to untangle a ball of yarn after the cat’s been playin’ with it. But it’s simple, really. Matt was Roman’s brother. Same daddy, different mommas, I think. Don’t matter much, still brothers.
And then there’s this Rock fella, Dwayne Johnson. Folks say he’s related too. And he is, kinda. He’s their cousin. See, it’s all one big family, these wrestlers. They all kinda look alike, big and strong. But we’re talkin’ ’bout brothers here, and that’s Matt. Poor fella.
Now, Roman, he’s got other family in the wrestling too. Cousins and such. Like them Uso fellas, they’re his cousins. Always tag-teaming and whatnot. And this other fella, Rikishi, he’s a cousin too, I think. Or maybe an uncle. See? It’s complicated! But Matt, he was the brother. The one that ain’t with us no more.

Roman’s got a whole bunch of other folks he works with, too. This R-Truth fella, they say he’s one of Roman’s best friends. Not family, mind you, but close like family, I guess. And then there’s Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa, they’re part of this group called the Bloodline, with Roman and the Usos. Lots of folks in this wrestling business, all connected somehow. It’s like a small town where everyone knows everyone else’s business, only with more muscles and spandex.
So, there you have it. Roman Reigns’ brother was Matt Anoa’i, also known as Rosey. He passed away, real shame. Left Roman without a brother. It’s a tough world, this wrestling world. Lots of travelin’, lots of hurtin’. But they do it for the fans, they say. And for the money, I reckon. Can’t forget the money.
But remember this, if you don’t remember nothin’ else: Matt Anoa’i was Roman Reigns’ brother. That’s the long and short of it. Don’t let nobody tell you different. And say a little prayer for Matt, would ya? He deserves it. Gone too soon, he was. Just like my Harold… Anyways, that’s all I got to say ’bout that. Hope it clears things up for ya.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go feed the chickens. Them birds get mighty cranky if they ain’t fed on time. And nobody wants a cranky chicken, let me tell ya. They peck somethin’ fierce.
Tags: Roman Reigns, Matt Anoa’i, Rosey, Brother, Family, Wrestling, WWE, Sika Anoa’i, Wild Samoans, Dwayne Johnson, The Rock, Uso Brothers, R-Truth, Bloodline