This here game, Elden Ring, folks talkin’ ’bout it all over. My grandson, he plays it all day. Says I should try it. But he’s got this thing, a controller, he calls it. Looks like a darn spaceship to me. Should I be usin’ one of them controller things for this Elden Ring game?

What in Tarnation is a Controller?
Now, I seen them young’uns with them controllers. Two sticks and a bunch of buttons. They mash ’em like they’re churnin’ butter. Back in my day, we just had a stick and a button, maybe two. This Elden Ring game, though, it’s got all sorts of fancy moves. Rollin’, jumpin’, swingin’ swords bigger than my Jimmy when he was a baby. You need those buttons, I reckon.
My grandson, bless his heart, he says the game is made for them Xbox controllers. But there are other kinds too. PlayStation, he calls one. Sounds like some kind of government buildin’ to me. He says they work too. Just gotta make sure they fit the game, I guess. Like findin’ the right lid for your mason jar.
Keyboard and Mouse, Like Typin’ a Letter?
Then there’s the other way. Keyboard and mouse. Now that, I know. Used to type up the church newsletter on one of them old typewriters. Click, clack, click, clack. This here keyboard is just a fancy one of them. And the mouse, well, it ain’t no field mouse, that’s for sure. More like a pet rock you slide around.
Some folks say this Elden Ring is easier with the keyboard. They say the buttons are easier to understand. Like readin’ the labels on your canned goods. You know what you’re gettin’. And they say movin’ around the map is simpler. Lord knows I can use simple when I look at that map in that game, a mess of lines and colors.
Which One is Better for This Old Gal?
This Elden Ring, it’s a third-person game. Whatever that means. My grandson tried to explain, but I got lost somewhere ’round “camera perspective.” All I know is, you see your little fella runnin’ around on the screen. And you gotta make him fight monsters and whatnot. For them games, a controller might be better, that is what folks are saying.

- Controller is good for movin’ around, they say.
- This Elden Ring got lots of dodgin’. Important, they say. Like dodgin’ a mad bull.
- Controller is better for that dodgin’, with them sticks.
But that mouse, they say it’s more precise. Like aimin’ a slingshot. If you gotta aim in this Elden Ring game, maybe the mouse is better. I ain’t sure what all you gotta aim at, though. Monsters, probably. Big ones, from the looks of it. Also keyboard and mouse give you more control, whatever that means. That is good for strategy games or other complicated games.
Startin’ Slow Like a Sunday Stroll
If I do try this Elden Ring with a controller, my grandson says I should start slow. Like learnin’ to ride a bike again. He says find the weak enemies first. Practice on them. Like pickin’ the low-hangin’ fruit. He says go north from the start. There’s a boss there. Sounds scary. But he says it’s the first one. Gotta start somewhere, I reckon.
I don’t know. This Elden Ring sounds mighty complicated. But them young’uns sure do love it. Maybe this old gal will give it a try. With a controller. Or maybe a keyboard. Or maybe I’ll just stick to my garden. At least them tomatoes don’t need no fancy controller to grow. Just some good ol’ sunshine and a little prayer.
Maybe I just let the young one play that Elden Ring game and tell me the stories. That sounds like the easiest thing to do. He can use his controller, keyboard or whatever he want. Less complicated for me to just watch him play.
Oh well. Gotta water the plants now. Best not to think about these complicated things like controller or keyboard. Too much for this old brain. Best to go and do the chores.