Okay, so I’ve been getting into MMA lately, right? And let me tell you, it’s intense! I mean, I knew it would be, but actually getting in there and sparring is a whole other level. So, safety first, obviously. I’ve got my gloves, my wraps, the whole shebang. But one thing I quickly realized I needed was a good mouthguard. I mean, nobody wants to lose a tooth, am I right?

So I started looking around, and man, there are a ton of options out there! It’s kinda overwhelming, to be honest. But then I saw some of the UFC fighters, and I noticed they were all using these OPRO mouthguards. I figured, hey, if it’s good enough for them, it’s gotta be good enough for me. Plus, they had this whole “UFC” thing going on, so that seemed pretty legit.
They’ve got different levels of these things, from basic to super fancy. I went for something in the middle, didn’t want to cheap out, but didn’t need the top-of-the-line one either. This one promised “superior protection” and “maximum comfort”.
- Getting the right fit: This was a bit of a process. I decided to buy one that molds to your teeth, as I heard it’s much better. It came with some instructions, boil some water, dunk the mouthguard in it, then bite down.
- First try: I think I messed it up. Didn’t feel quite right.
- Second try: Followed the instructions more closely, and it was much better. It actually felt pretty comfortable. They weren’t lying.
- Sparring: This is the real test. Took a few hits to the face, and thankfully, no issues. Teeth are still intact!
This one has a single layer that covers the upper teeth. They say it’s designed to protect the upper teeth and gums. Honestly, once I got used to it, I barely even noticed it was there. You put it on and can focus on training.
What I learned
Don’t cheap out on safety gear: I mean, it’s your teeth we’re talking about here! It’s worth the money.
Molding it right is key: Took me a couple of tries, but once I got it right, it was a game changer.

OPRO UFC mouthguards: Yeah, they seem to be pretty good. I can see why the pros use them. They give me the confidence to train and compete, and I feel safe using it.
So yeah, that’s my little adventure with UFC mouthguards. If you’re into MMA or any combat sport, definitely get yourself a good one. Trust me, your teeth will thank you!