Okay, so the other day I got this idea to mess around with a crossword puzzle. I found a website that makes crossword puzzles, I can fill in some words and answers there.

I opened this website and started putting in some words. The first step was to write down some words that I wanted to use. I wrote like, ten or so words on a piece of paper, just some random stuff that came to mind. Then I started typing them into the website, one by one. The website has this grid, and you just click on a square and start typing.
It was actually pretty fun to see how the website automatically arranged the words. Sometimes it worked perfectly, other times I had to rearrange a few words to make them fit. I spent, I don’t know, maybe an hour just playing around with different combinations. It’s kinda like solving a puzzle in reverse, you know?
My Process
Here’s how I did it, step by step:
- Brainstorm Words: I started by thinking of some words I wanted to include.
- Write Them Down: I jotted down the words on a piece of paper. This made it easier to keep track of them.
- Input Words: I went to the crossword maker website and started inputting the words.
- Adjust and Rearrange: Sometimes the words didn’t fit perfectly, so I had to move them around a bit.
- Fill in Clues: After I had all the words in place, I started adding clues. Some clues were easy, like fill-in-the-blank type, while others were a bit more tricky.
I also tried to put in some shorter words first. This helped because it gave me some extra letters to work with when I was trying to fit in the longer words. I saw some tips online that said doing this can help you solve puzzles more easily. It was a good thing I did, because a few times those extra letters saved me from getting stuck!
After I was done, I even tried to solve my own puzzle. Some of the answers came to me right away, and some others took some time to figure out, it’s a little bit challenging. I heard that doing crossword puzzles can actually make you smarter. They say it helps with vocabulary, memory, and problem-solving. It felt like a good brain workout, for sure.

In the end, it was a fun little project. I think I’ll try making another one soon, maybe with a theme next time. This whole thing got me thinking that maybe I should try solving more crosswords too. It’s a nice way to kill some time and maybe even get a little smarter in the process. Plus, it’s kind of relaxing, in a weird way. You just zone out and focus on the words.