I was watching that ball game the other day, my favorite team, the Yankees. And what do I see? They ain’t in their usual clothes! They’re wearing some kind of greenish-blue color, teal, they call it. Now, why are the Yankees wearing teal today? That’s what I wanna know. It ain’t like them, you know?
What’s Up With the Color Teal?
This teal, it’s a funny color. Not like that navy blue they usually wear. This is more like the color of that old pond down the road, kinda green, kinda blue. I remember one time…
- They said they wear this teal color for some sickness, prostate something or other.
- They want people to know about this sickness, so they wear this color, like a blue ribbon.
- They also wear blue wristbands, all for the same thing.
- They been doing this for a couple of years, this Yankees wearing teal thing.
Anyways, I heard that they wear it to remind folks about some sickness, prostate something. They wear it with a blue ribbon and even blue wristbands. I guess it is important for people to know about this thing. They been doing this for some years. It’s a good thing, I reckon. Helping folks, that’s always good.
Yankees, Them’s My Boys
I been watching the Yankees for a long time, you know? Longer than some of these young’uns been alive. I remember when they had that DiMaggio fella, and that Mantle one. Good players, those were. And Berra, he was a funny one, that Berra. These new ones, they’re alright too, I guess. That Judge fella, he can hit that ball real good. They always wear these pinstripes, you know? That’s how you know it’s the Yankees. White with those thin blue lines. But this teal thing, it threw me for a loop!
They used to have these outfits, these gray ones they wore when they played away from home. They changed them a while back, back in ’73 I think it was. Added some white lines around the letters and numbers. They are going back to the old outfits, the ones they wore way back when, from ’31 to ’72. They won a whole heap of them World Series in those days. Seventeen, I heard! This one fella, Stanton, he said he liked them. Said they were “cool.”
Why No Pinstripes?
So, they got these special clothes, these teal ones, and they only wear them sometimes. It ain’t like those pinstripes they always wear. Those pinstripes, that’s the Yankees, you know? Like that old saying, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” But I guess they gotta do what they gotta do. It’s all for a good cause, this Yankees wearing teal. To raise awareness about some sickness. Still, it’s strange seeing them in something other than those pinstripes.

Teal Ain’t So Bad, I Guess
I guess this teal color ain’t so bad. It’s different, that’s for sure. But if it helps folks, then that’s alright. It’s good to help folks. And it’s just for a little while. They’ll be back in their pinstripes soon enough. Then everything will be back to normal. They will play that Cleveland team. I think it was in April, on the 13th day. It is not the first time they do this Yankees wearing teal.
Still My Yankees
Even if they’re wearing that funny teal color, they’re still my Yankees. I’ll still watch them, I’ll still root for them. Maybe I’ll even get used to this teal thing. Who knows? But one thing’s for sure, I’ll be there watching, every time they play. Go Yankees! Even in teal, they’re still the best darn team there is!
They don’t have a mascot, you know, the Yankees. Some teams have them, like that bird in Toronto. But not the Yankees. They don’t need no fuzzy animal to win games. They got their bats and their gloves, and that’s all they need. They got their history. That’s what matters. And they wear that teal to help people. That matters too. It is a tradition now.
So, next time you see the Yankees wearing that teal, you’ll know why. It ain’t just about the clothes, it’s about something bigger. It’s about helping folks. And that’s something we can all get behind, ain’t it? Even an old gal like me can understand that. Even I know that why are the Yankees wearing teal today is to help folks. That’s all that matters.