Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in! You wanna know who took the supplies in that Wuthering Waves game, huh? My old eyes ain’t what they used to be, but I’ve seen a thing or two in my time, let me tell you.

Wuthering Waves who took the supplies
This whole thing, it’s a mess. Supplies gone missin’. Everyone runnin’ around like chickens with their heads cut off. That Beigu fella, he seems to be in charge. Heard he’s askin’ that Rover character for help. Rover this, Rover that. I hear that name everywhere these days! In my days, you had to do it all on your own.
Now, about them supplies. It’s a mystery, that’s for sure. That game, Wuthering Waves, it’s got everyone talkin’. Seems like everyone and their brother is playin’ it. They say it’s in that Central Plains place, in Huanglong. Sounds like a made up place, but who I am to say, I only leave my house to go to the market, you know?
I heard some folks talkin’ about it down at the market. They were sayin’ there’s this quest, somethin’ about investigate the theft of camp supplies. Sounds important, keepin’ folks fed and all that. You gotta find this Beigu fella to start it, they say. He’s the one who knows what’s what, apparently.
- Find Beigu
- Talk to Beigu
- Investigate the theft of camp supplies
This Beigu, he’s a busy one. Runnin’ around, tryin’ to figure out who’s been nickin’ the goods. Heard him sayin’ he was gonna ask that Rover for help. That Rover, always gettin’ involved in somethin’.
Then there’s this other fella, Wuheng. Heard that name whispered a few times. Some folks think he’s got somethin’ to do with it. I know nothing, but I hear a lot. They were sayin’, maybe Wuheng took the supplies.

Investigate the Theft of Camp Supplies
Now, I ain’t one to gossip, but that Wuheng, he gives me a funny feelin’. Always lurkin’ around, lookin’ shifty. Wouldn’t trust him as far as I could throw him, that’s for sure. But who knows, maybe he’s just misunderstood. I heard they found out he was the one what took the supplies.
Heard tell that after you point your finger at Wuheng, you and that Beigu fella go have a little chat with him. Apparently, Wuheng spills the beans. Says he had an accident and had to stash the supplies somewhere. Clumsy oaf. I remember one time I fell down, and lost all my eggs. So I kinda feel him a bit on this.
They say Wuheng tells you where he hid the stuff. So, who took the supplies in Wuthering Waves? Looks like it was Wuheng all along. Just a big misunderstanding, maybe. Or maybe he’s just a good liar. Hard to say these days. It was an accident though, he just forgot where he left them. That Wuheng, he is a clumsy one.
This whole Wuthering Waves investigate the theft of camp supplies thing is a real head-scratcher, ain’t it? But that’s life, I guess. Full of mysteries. Just gotta keep your eyes open and your ears to the ground. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll figure things out.
That Rover fella in the game, he seems to know how to get things done. Always pokin’ his nose into other people’s business. But I guess that’s what you gotta do in these games. Gotta solve the mysteries, find the bad guys, and all that jazz.

This whole thing reminds me of that time old man Johnson’s prize-winning pig went missin’. Everyone was runnin’ around, accusin’ each other. Turns out, the pig had just wandered off into the woods. Found him a week later, fat and happy. Just like this Wuheng fella, I reckon. Probably just got lost and forgot where he put the supplies. You see? Life and games are more similar than you think.
So, there you have it. The mystery of the missing supplies in Wuthering Waves. Sounds like it was that Wuheng fella all along. Just a big misunderstanding, most likely. But hey, what do I know? I’m just an old lady who likes to watch the world go by.
This Wuthering Waves game, it sure is somethin’. Got everyone talkin’. Maybe I should give it a try sometime. But then again, I got my garden to tend to. And my stories to tell. Ain’t nobody got time for these newfangled games. Except for the youngins, and I am not one of those.
The End of The Mystery
Remember this. If you want to find out who did it, you gotta look for the quiet ones. The ones who are always hangin’ around, but never really sayin’ much. Those are the ones you gotta watch out for. I may not look like much, but I learned a thing or two in my life, you hear?